Результаты поиска по запросу: *

  1. Ecthe1

    CZ/SK 2 ppl lf CP

    S kámošem hledáme cpčku. Zkušenosti nějaký už máme. Na charu celkem nesejde, můžem klidně i drive. Když se ozve někdo s kým jsem v minulosti už hrál, budu jen rád. :-*
  2. Ecthe1

    LF const

    S kámošem hledáme cpčku. Zkušenosti nějaký už máme. Na charu celkem nesejde, můžem klidně i drive. Když se ozve někdo s kým jsem v minulosti už hrál, budu jen rád. :-*
  3. Ecthe1

    WTT adena x3 --> x7

    up still have 3,5b to trade
  4. Ecthe1

    WTT adena x3 --> x7

    WTT 3,5 bil adena on x3 for adena on x7. pm me here if interrested
  5. Ecthe1

    WTT adena x3 --> x7

    WTT 4,5 bil adena on x3 for adena on x7. pm me here if interrested
  6. Ecthe1


    WTB one obviously no one is selling dat shit :-X
  7. Ecthe1

    CZ/SVK clan

    Hanbu sp? d?lali t?pci, kte? se ke klanu p?ifa?ili a? na 15ce z czechgamer?, og?ek a podobn?ch sh1t server? no. Jinak, ?e se sfarmilo par aq?ek, zaken? a dobil se p?rkr?t hrad je na cz/sk klan na serveru, kde bylo mysl?m skoro stejn? hr? jako na x3, obrovsk? pon?en? no. Must agree. ::)
  8. Ecthe1

    CZ/SVK clan

    Ahoj Sentinels
  9. Ecthe1

    WTT ADENA x15 > x3

    70 bil in stock pm ig on x3 or here if interested
  10. Ecthe1

    Psy - Gangnam Lineage 2 Style

    i like this one  :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M660rjNCH0A
  11. Ecthe1

    Event info

    Yo, I have one question... When we will get this info? After event finish?
  12. Ecthe1

    WTS 3xaq +5/6/6 63b if u take all / only today

    pm,mail ig druid
  13. Ecthe1

    WTS list

    WTS /target Orbith in Aden Vesper Caster +4 Acu wind 300 9,5 b Vorpal Leather helmet clean 1,8 b mid s84 pole - offer offer in PM here or mail/pm in-game "Druid
  14. Ecthe1

    Trade Bot | Торговый Бот

    It works strange. If i log into my craft and click on something in actions i get this _____________________________ | | | Pause before entering the game | |____________________________| im using opera 11.52 os win7 64 any...
  15. Ecthe1

    WTB Antharas

    WTB Earring of Antharas - 70bil pm me on forum, thx
  16. Ecthe1

    Servers merge - Poll

    wtb some ig announcements about POLL what was like on start x15, would be good.
  17. Ecthe1

    Servers merge - Poll

    wtb some ig announcements about POLL POLL what was like on start x15, would be good.
  18. Ecthe1

    Servers merge - Poll

    So what factor clan will come from x5? QQ? one? nice, more drama for ooc at epics :O let h5 first and u will have more drama than with merge
  19. Ecthe1

    Servers merge - Poll

    ]Who wouldn't be. We deserved CH like other clans from server start. And now came some random from x1 x5 and will have CH for himself... x1 x5 are totaly dead, so why u want merge them with x15 what is still alive? mby acc transfer will be better option. So u sayin, server was launched for 2...
  20. Ecthe1

    Servers merge - Poll

    Town clanhalls will be put on auction! this is EPIC lol, so my opinion GTFO with merge, who cares of 1x 5x, these servers are definitely dead and you want put ch's to auction coz 1k activ ppl maybe start play again with their bilions and bj sets, and you want multiply their adenas LOL. Let x15...