Suggstions about a new server (1 Viewer)

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New member
Ooook im still kinda new here but lets see. Izlude makes english sentences with sense and no flames while most of the ETCs answers the way making my eyes hurt. Except Cork who stays calm. Izlude seemed totally trustable until Cork answered. The rest ETCs i suggest to stop posting, take some english lessons and get some sex to get rid of aggression...
Now what are facts in game? As far as i can see, ETC is the biggest in numbers, probably equipped the best. I dont know how many of s84 items you guys got and are there the other ppl with s84. I guess you guys got in fact the biggest number of s80s and epics which if combined with your numbers should give you huge advantage. Ability to close locations, close epics, take over the oly by feeding which isnt the matter of organisation as much as of numbers and gear. Also with your advantage you can close locations even if you werent skilled nor organised. Those aspects i cant judge from forum posts no matter who and what would write. This ill get to judge in game someday.
Anyway: Izlude said about gap between ETC and the others. I can see gear and numbers advantage which lets ETC to keep increasing the gap. How is Izlude a liar, i ask.
Its all without any offence to ETC. Cant blame the clan for being the biggest. Can only blame the single individuals called a "clan hoppers" who join "the best clan on server" (for me not always clan which leads on server is the best but whatever) even not knowing (sometimes not liking) ppl inside. They join this kind of clan "for items" or just to be "winners" couse they cant work out their way to "win" anyhow else. For me its always fun to stand against the biggest clan and fight.


New member
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
Ooook im still kinda new here but lets see. Izlude makes english sentences with sense and no flames while most of the ETCs answers the way making my eyes hurt. Except Cork who stays calm. Izlude seemed totally trustable until Cork answered. The rest ETCs i suggest to stop posting, take some english lessons and get some sex to get rid of aggression...
Now what are facts in game? As far as i can see, ETC is the biggest in numbers, probably equipped the best. I dont know how many of s84 items you guys got and are there the other ppl with s84. I guess you guys got in fact the biggest number of s80s and epics which if combined with your numbers should give you huge advantage. Ability to close locations, close epics, take over the oly by feeding which isnt the matter of organisation as much as of numbers and gear. Also with your advantage you can close locations even if you werent skilled nor organised. Those aspects i cant judge from forum posts no matter who and what would write. This ill get to judge in game someday.
Anyway: Izlude said about gap between ETC and the others. I can see gear and numbers advantage which lets ETC to keep increasing the gap. How is Izlude a liar, i ask.
Its all without any offence to ETC. Cant blame the clan for being the biggest. Can only blame the single individuals called a "clan hoppers" who join "the best clan on server" (for me not always clan which leads on server is the best but whatever) even not knowing (sometimes not liking) ppl inside. They join this kind of clan "for items" or just to be "winners" couse they cant work out their way to "win" anyhow else. For me its always fun to stand against the biggest clan and fight.
I am not gonna repeat the same things we had to say thousand times already, some ppl like u, are just to stubborn or lazy,  that they instead of finding out some facts and history of this server better make up some nonsense theories about numbers...LOL, do u realize that we are single clan from early beggining fighting against 2-3 aliances who actually grouped to fight us and they all had 3 clans in each of that aliances, ETC was always fighting outnumebred by enemies by a lot (when they cared to show on epics or sieges), about the gear advantage: yes we will gladly keep the gear advantage (its only boss jewels)  since we have to fight whole server on most ocasions of mass pvp, so we aint gonna throw it away, than Izlude is making up shit about olympiad and games, while he has 0 knowledge about who is good or not, and 0 knowledge how oly in ETC works. I must say that with 80 nobless ppl gaining 29 heroes is achievemnet when we had to stand against much more nobless ppl on otherside, and yes it need some level of organisation, u are totally cleless if u want to say its otherwise, since u dont know the nobless numbers/classes/potential beast/and many many other factors which plays a role in GF oly. Next - Name chars with s84 weapons...., next name s80 armor owers with lvl2 pads...Do you know what pad is right? oh wait....
Gotta love when randoms like u or Izlude trying to make "objective" review of the server while they lack basic infos.


New member
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
Ooook im still kinda new here but lets see. Izlude makes english sentences with sense and no flames while most of the ETCs answers the way making my eyes hurt. Except Cork who stays calm. Izlude seemed totally trustable until Cork answered. The rest ETCs i suggest to stop posting, take some english lessons and get some sex to get rid of aggression...
Now what are facts in game? As far as i can see, ETC is the biggest in numbers, probably equipped the best. I dont know how many of s84 items you guys got and are there the other ppl with s84. I guess you guys got in fact the biggest number of s80s and epics which if combined with your numbers should give you huge advantage. Ability to close locations, close epics, take over the oly by feeding which isnt the matter of organisation as much as of numbers and gear. Also with your advantage you can close locations even if you werent skilled nor organised. Those aspects i cant judge from forum posts no matter who and what would write. This ill get to judge in game someday.
Anyway: Izlude said about gap between ETC and the others. I can see gear and numbers advantage which lets ETC to keep increasing the gap. How is Izlude a liar, i ask.
Its all without any offence to ETC. Cant blame the clan for being the biggest. Can only blame the single individuals called a "clan hoppers" who join "the best clan on server" (for me not always clan which leads on server is the best but whatever) even not knowing (sometimes not liking) ppl inside. They join this kind of clan "for items" or just to be "winners" couse they cant work out their way to "win" anyhow else. For me its always fun to stand against the biggest clan and fight.
oly without organization good joke bro
about numbers we were taking first 2 flags without our single party vs alience
so stop trolling about numbers when we have single clan
izlude wrote many times its just numbers
why when i offer 9v9,9v18 he is quiet? so what i could read here till now that izulde and ppl like him are pro but its just bad there arent like 90 izuldes in clan :D


New member
1 083
You don`t need organisation for l2 that why there are many clans/ally doing oly/epics/farming s80, now u gotta tell me there isnt any clan or ally with 45 member for anthy/vala/tezza /sarcasm off


New member
You need organization but the bigger your advantage of numbers/gear is, the less you need organisation. Thats what i ment and i said i dont judge your clan, no need to be butthurt... yet.
@Jacky: sorry dude but Izlude really sounds more convincing with his selection of words versus your tries of bringing me down. FYI: Im new on this server, not in l2. Look, you say Izlude makes up stories, you already made statement about my knowledge of l2 when you just met me for the first time.
@every single ETC calling Iz a "forum hero, ingame zero": guys but you actually zerg on this forum :p


New member
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
@Jacky: sorry dude but Izlude really sounds more convincing with his selection of words versus your tries of bringing me down. FYI: Im new on this server, not in l2. Look, you say Izlude makes up stories, you already made statement about my knowledge of l2 when you just met me for the first time.
But its only your fault, that u have shown u know nothing about gracia final, there were many such pr0s who thought they know L2 from privat C4 servers and I made my statement about u accoring to your cluless post. Believe in what u want, I dont need to convince u on my side, I have proven myself ingame and I have my clan ready to do any endgame action which gracia final provide us. U have nothing same as Izlude, I mentioned it above already and I will repeat it only for u again, those ppl telling Izlude is making up stuff are not only form my clan but also my enemies, so go and figure out yourself.


New member
pokemontrainer сказал(а):
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
Ooook im still kinda new here but lets see. Izlude makes english sentences with sense and no flames while most of the ETCs answers the way making my eyes hurt. Except Cork who stays calm. Izlude seemed totally trustable until Cork answered. The rest ETCs i suggest to stop posting, take some english lessons and get some sex to get rid of aggression...
Now what are facts in game? As far as i can see, ETC is the biggest in numbers, probably equipped the best. I dont know how many of s84 items you guys got and are there the other ppl with s84. I guess you guys got in fact the biggest number of s80s and epics which if combined with your numbers should give you huge advantage. Ability to close locations, close epics, take over the oly by feeding which isnt the matter of organisation as much as of numbers and gear. Also with your advantage you can close locations even if you werent skilled nor organised. Those aspects i cant judge from forum posts no matter who and what would write. This ill get to judge in game someday.
Anyway: Izlude said about gap between ETC and the others. I can see gear and numbers advantage which lets ETC to keep increasing the gap. How is Izlude a liar, i ask.
Its all without any offence to ETC. Cant blame the clan for being the biggest. Can only blame the single individuals called a "clan hoppers" who join "the best clan on server" (for me not always clan which leads on server is the best but whatever) even not knowing (sometimes not liking) ppl inside. They join this kind of clan "for items" or just to be "winners" couse they cant work out their way to "win" anyhow else. For me its always fun to stand against the biggest clan and fight.
oly without organization good joke bro
about numbers we were taking first 2 flags without our single party vs alience
so stop trolling about numbers when we have single clan
izlude wrote many times its just numbers
why when i offer 9v9,9v18 he is quiet? so what i could read here till now that izulde and ppl like him are pro but its just bad there arent like 90 izuldes in clan :D
Good joke? Since when? It's a fact. When it comes to Olympiad feeding, organization isn't necessary. By no means is it. It's all about numbers and gear, that guy hit the nail right on the head and like usual when it comes to burning truth, your comeback is belittlement and denial.
Your heroes are being outfitted with S80 and S84 weaponry. Oh, but this has nothing to do with you better feeding in Olympiad, right? Organization, of course! Good joke, bro.
Lhundae is also right. Don't bullshit with me with this forum hero ingame zero nonsense when you know fuck all about me. You guys come in here all at once like a swarm, take stabs at me, fail miserably, then deny everything I have to say back at you.
I mean fuck, right? I even told you I've just been trolling you clowns and you STILL continue. You haven't made me laugh yet. Try harder or I might have to fire you.


New member
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
You need organization but the bigger your advantage of numbers/gear is, the less you need organisation. Thats what i ment and i said i dont judge your clan, no need to be butthurt... yet.
@Jacky: sorry dude but Izlude really sounds more convincing with his selection of words versus your tries of bringing me down. FYI: Im new on this server, not in l2. Look, you say Izlude makes up stories, you already made statement about my knowledge of l2 when you just met me for the first time.
@every single ETC calling Iz a "forum hero, ingame zero": guys but you actually zerg on this forum :p
when you say that more ppl = less organization  thats a nice joke :) and when you are new u came here with a clan or ur solo ?
Izlude сказал(а):
Good joke? Since when? It's a fact. When it comes to Olympiad feeding, organization isn't necessary. By no means is it. It's all about numbers and gear, that guy hit the nail right on the head and like usual when it comes to burning truth, your comeback is belittlement and denial.
Your heroes are being outfitted with S80 and S84 weaponry. Oh, but this has nothing to do with you better feeding in Olympiad, right? Organization, of course! Good joke, bro.
Lhundae is also right. Don't bullshit with me with this forum hero ingame zero nonsense when you know fuck all about me. You guys come in here all at once like a swarm, take stabs at me, fail miserably, then deny everything I have to say back at you.
I mean fuck, right? I even told you I've just been trolling you clowns and you STILL continue. You haven't made me laugh yet. Try harder or I might have to fire you.
and so tell me what hero had s80 armor and S84 weapon on the last oly  ? mr.clueless guy 


New member
1 083
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
You need organization but the bigger your advantage of numbers/gear is, the less you need organisation. Thats what i ment and i said i dont judge your clan, no need to be butthurt... yet.
@Jacky: sorry dude but Izlude really sounds more convincing with his selection of words versus your tries of bringing me down. FYI: Im new on this server, not in l2. Look, you say Izlude makes up stories, you already made statement about my knowledge of l2 when you just met me for the first time.
@every single ETC calling Iz a "forum hero, ingame zero": guys but you actually zerg on this forum :p
How do u think u can get gear in ct2.3 ? farming varka until lvl 85?
And well tell me what Izlulde doing he is w/o clan ig and making a lot of wall of text here gg


New member
I beleive this is the "Suggstions about a new server " topic? How the hell did we get to this flame fest? Lets get back on topic pls, u guys can continue ur flames in the other flame topics.

So, finaly ontopic, did administration reached any decision about this new server? Wiping x3 and starting it again with higher rates, 7x imo, would be the best thing rpg-club could do. Ofc, advertise it first, so people actualy KNOW about it and not hear it from word of mouth. And ofc, be prepared hardware wise with it. It might have 5k people on it from the start.


New member
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
You need organization but the bigger your advantage of numbers/gear is, the less you need organisation. Thats what i ment and i said i dont judge your clan, no need to be butthurt... yet.
@Jacky: sorry dude but Izlude really sounds more convincing with his selection of words versus your tries of bringing me down. FYI: Im new on this server, not in l2. Look, you say Izlude makes up stories, you already made statement about my knowledge of l2 when you just met me for the first time.
@every single ETC calling Iz a "forum hero, ingame zero": guys but you actually zerg on this forum :p
u werent here since day 1 as we were, we were allways vs whole server even when we started with 2 parties clan but we survived and made the clan strong as it is now, not by bad ppl came from l2js and expected 15ppl clans
and for izulde im hero since first month as aw and i have whole time same equip - majestic light set +3 and AS 150 atr
so thats a biiiiig advantage YO


New member
Ah.. Come on guys, don't spam this topic. :p


New member
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
Izlude really sounds more convincing with his selection of words
Let me show you something:
Izlude сказал(а):
When it comes to Olympiad feeding, organization isn't necessary
Your heroes are being outfitted with S80 and S84 weaponry.
There were lots of flame in his post so I deleted it and left only the meaningful sentences. They look interesting indeed. Too bad they are both false. There's no truth in his post and this goes all the time. He may be convincing  (when you read all the wall), too bad he is not right. Do you get it now? It's not the matter of words selection, it's the matter of facts. And that's where he is wrong.


New member
Corkscreewe сказал(а):
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
Izlude really sounds more convincing with his selection of words
Let me show you something:
Izlude сказал(а):
When it comes to Olympiad feeding, organization isn't necessary
Your heroes are being outfitted with S80 and S84 weaponry.
There were lots of flame in his post so I deleted it and left only the meaningful sentences. They look interesting indeed. Too bad they are both false. There's no truth in his post and this goes all the time. He may be convincing  (when you read all the wall), too bad he is not right. Do you get it now? It's not the matter of words selection, it's the matter of facts. And that's where he is wrong.
So when you guys killed Tiat and Gezas said he wanted to "try his new toy out" it was totally not the Sawsword that got dropped. I'm convinced!
Well sold, friend! I bet you guys are deleting those S80/84 weapons on the spot if not. Very noble indeed.
Don't try to bullshit the guy, you got good shit from the times you've done Tiat, what you get isn't disappearing from the face of the fucking server like you imply. Also, just because something has a cuss word in it doesn't mean it's a flame. Start by tying your own shoes, learn to count, crawl, walk, speak, and in time you'll start to be able to not be so offended by adult words.


New member
Izlude сказал(а):
Corkscreewe сказал(а):
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
Izlude really sounds more convincing with his selection of words
Let me show you something:
Izlude сказал(а):
When it comes to Olympiad feeding, organization isn't necessary
Your heroes are being outfitted with S80 and S84 weaponry.
There were lots of flame in his post so I deleted it and left only the meaningful sentences. They look interesting indeed. Too bad they are both false. There's no truth in his post and this goes all the time. He may be convincing  (when you read all the wall), too bad he is not right. Do you get it now? It's not the matter of words selection, it's the matter of facts. And that's where he is wrong.
So when you guys killed Tiat and Gezas said he wanted to "try his new toy out" it was totally not the Sawsword that got dropped. I'm convinced!
Well sold, friend! I bet you guys are deleting those S80/84 weapons on the spot if not. Very noble indeed.
Don't try to bullshit the guy, you got good shit from the times you've done Tiat, what you get isn't disappearing from the face of the fucking server like you imply. Also, just because something has a cuss word in it doesn't mean it's a flame. Start by tying your own shoes, learn to count, crawl, walk, speak, and in time you'll start to be able to not be so offended by adult words.
Yo retard, when did i exactly say it was MINE and that it was TOY? And what can exactly s84 pole change in server? I bet now we can recruit some lvl 1 char and he will wtf kill all ppl that are online at once


New member
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
Izlude really sounds more convincing with his selection of words
Here we go again
Izlude сказал(а):
you got good shit from the times you've done Tiat
See? This guy knows Jack Shit about Tiat. He neither knows how many times we did it, nor how many drops we had ... he just read the "S80" word on forums and suddenly everything's clear for him. Why should we trust him? Why should his lies keep us calm?


New member
Izlude сказал(а):
Corkscreewe сказал(а):
Lhundaeion сказал(а):
Izlude really sounds more convincing with his selection of words
Let me show you something:
Izlude сказал(а):
When it comes to Olympiad feeding, organization isn't necessary
Your heroes are being outfitted with S80 and S84 weaponry.
There were lots of flame in his post so I deleted it and left only the meaningful sentences. They look interesting indeed. Too bad they are both false. There's no truth in his post and this goes all the time. He may be convincing  (when you read all the wall), too bad he is not right. Do you get it now? It's not the matter of words selection, it's the matter of facts. And that's where he is wrong.
So when you guys killed Tiat and Gezas said he wanted to "try his new toy out" it was totally not the Sawsword that got dropped. I'm convinced!
Well sold, friend! I bet you guys are deleting those S80/84 weapons on the spot if not. Very noble indeed.
Don't try to bullshit the guy, you got good shit from the times you've done Tiat, what you get isn't disappearing from the face of the fucking server like you imply. Also, just because something has a cuss word in it doesn't mean it's a flame. Start by tying your own shoes, learn to count, crawl, walk, speak, and in time you'll start to be able to not be so offended by adult words.
Thats the fun stuff you know, first tiat died like hmm, five days ago? I didnt know he's dropping so many s84 items that our heroes are stuffed with them. Yes yes I know s84 polearm rocks and when any of us uses it none of our enemies have any chance, but damn, you said we arent that good. And about oly, you are really clueless. If there are enemies (I mean oly beasts that actually fight against one clan), you can get heroes ONLY with a very good organisation.
But I know you know better yo, mr pr0.


New member
@Cork: yeah i got your point.
@the rest: ,,/,, Quit the remarks about my knowledge, experience and what not. You dont know me. I came with clan yeah, we did oly feeding with ventrilo, stop watches, oly farmers, bots, cutters and the other crap versus ppl that had dozens of bots. No need to tell me whats the oly organisation. Thought that you guys are really equipped much better so in this case your heroes would just win the oly by themselves (at least most of them couse its obvious that some classes just can win :p).
Anyway, im hearing 2 different stories and the truth ill find out in game someday.
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