Ingame Events (1 Viewer)

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Прошу скинуть ссылки на описания эвентов, которые проводились на офф серверах во время хроник Эртея.
[event_gate] = news informer "Что нового"
[event_best_enchanter] = мастер йоги эвент
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Три года Lineage 2 в России: праздник при свечах!

Сильные воины и храбрые воительницы, герои этого мира!
Вы уже в курсе, что к нам вернулась озлобленная Шилен, принесшая с собой небывалое разрушение. Но это оказалось не самым страшным. Сегодня богиня затмила своими чарами светило, и мир погрузился в не предвещающий ничего хорошего сумрак.
Так невовремя! Столько всего было запланировано в честь трехлетия Lineage 2 в России: подарки героям, бесплатная раздача предметов в магазине... А теперь нужно снова сражаться.Впрочем, мы уже нашли легкий способ победить сумрак и вернуть солнце на небо. Для начала вам нужно будет взять в помощники Агатиона Свет Терси. Это маленькое существо окажется не просто отличным спутником, главная его функция заключается в генерировании Иллюзий Света. Сами по себе они ничто. Однако в комбинации с Осколками Света нашего мира рождают большие сферы Иллюзий Света, из которых можно получить предметы удивительной магической силы.
Итак, первая часть формулы — генерируемые агатионом частички Иллюзии Света. Достать вторую составляющую, Осколки Света, для большинства из вас не составит труда — всего-то нужно будет положить несколько сотен опасных монстров. Но, поверьте, награда того стоит.
И вот еще что. Торжеств и подарков по случаю трехлетия игры в России никто не отменял. Пускай из-за ненавистных сумерек праздник пройдет не так ярко, как хотелось бы, но знаменательная дата все равно будет отмечена.
С наступающим!

Информация времени проведения ивента
Ивент проходит с 13.12.11 до 20.12.11.После окончания ивента предметы Браслет Печати Агатиона - Свет Терси, Осколки Света и Иллюзии Света будут удалены.
1. Информация об Агатионе Терси и Иллюзиях Света
Агатион Свет Терси можно получить у NPC Благословенный Жрец в каждом городе, за исключением Аркана и разрушенных начальных деревень;
Если вызвать Агатиона Свет Терси персонаж получает Иллюзии Света в зависимости от времени проведенного в игре;
В день можно получить максимум 25 Иллюзий Света (для одного персонажа).
Иллюзии выдаются следующим образом: 10 минут игры - 1, 30 минут игры - 2, 60 минут игры - 3, 90 минут - 6, 120 минут - 12
2. Информация об Осколках Света
Осколки Света можно получить при убийстве монстров.
3. Улучшение Иллюзии Света
Призвав Иллюзию Света и собрав Осколки Света можно приступать к процессу улучшения Иллюзии Света.
С определенным шансом Иллюзия Света может начать улучшаться в Удивительную Иллюзию Света.
Вызываем Иллюзию Света;
Используем Осколки Света на Иллюзии Света / Удивительной Иллюзии Света, появляются Осколки Луча;
Используем умение Агатиона Свет Терси Длань Терсия на Осколках Луча и пытаемся загнать их ближе к Иллюзии Света / Удивительной Иллюзии Света;
Повторяем пункты 2-3 до рассеивания Иллюзии Света / Удивительной Иллюзии Света.

4. Награды
ВНИМАНИЕ! Награды выпадают с определенным шансом, иногда награды может не быть вовсе.
- Свиток Снятия Оков D~R95
- Свиток Печати Доспехов D~R *Возвращает Скованные предметы в неопознанное состояние*. Внимание! При использовании данного предмета пропадут все добавленные свойства: уровень заточки, атрибут!!!
- Свиток Печати Оружия D~R *Возвращает Скованные предметы в неопознанное состояние* Внимание! При использовании данного предмета пропадут все добавленные свойства: уровень, заточки, атрибут, установленный кристалл души!!!
- Свиток: Модифицировать Доспех D~R
- Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие D~R
- Краски Lv5 ®
- Свиток Поэмы Лютни / Арфы / Барабана / Органа / Гитары / Рога
- Часть Фиолетового / Желтого / Аквамаринового / Кристалла Души R~R95
- Камень Жизни Высокого Качества уровень R~R95
- Кристалл Огня / Воды / Земли / Ветра / Тьмы / Святости
- Руда Огня / Воды / Земли / Ветра / Тьмы / Святости
- Благословенный Свиток воскрешения
- Благословенный Свиток Телепорта
- Эликсир HP ®
- Эликсир MP ®
- Эликсир CP ®
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Hero Weapon
Innova: ивент "Получи оружие Героев"

Вот и приближается весна, по крайней мере календарная. И первый признак окончания зимы — праздник, в народе именуемый не иначе как день дарения носков и пены для бритья.
По традиции в мире Lineage 2 пройдёт ивент, приуроченный ко Дню защитника Отечества. В период с 19 по 26 февраля у NPC Тифани можно будет за 10 000 адены приобрести «Оружие Запечатанной Силы Героя». Вооружившись им и применив умение «Сила Героя», можно получить «Оружие Силы Героя».
Экипировка с впечатляющими характеристиками будет доступна персонажам не только мужского пола. К сожалению, время её использования не так уж велико.
Команда Lineage 2 поздравляет всех защитников Отечества и напоминает, что параметр защиты следует развивать и в реальности!
Время проведения
Ивент пройдёт с 19 по 26 февраля 2013 года.
26 февраля во время профилактики все ивентовые предметы будут удалены:
Свиток Силы Героя
Оружие Силы Героя
Оружие Запечатанной Силы Героя
Как принять участие
Оружие Запечатанной Силы Героя
Найдите NPC Тифани в одном из городов Эльморедена. Встретить её можно везде, за исключением Древнего Города Аркан, Деревни Охотников и заброшенных начальных деревень.
Купите у неё Оружие Запечатанной Силы Героя всего за 10 000 аден!

Тифани предлагает все виды оружия с запечатанной силой героев. Спешите купить!
Оружие теневое и исчезнет по истечении 24 часов с момента покупки (лимит времени действует даже если персонаж не в игре).
Оружие Запечатанной Силы Героя не имеет ранга. Его можно использовать с Зарядами Души/Духа без ранга (их можно приобрести у бакалейщиков в любом городе).
Для стрельбы из лука и арбалета потребуются деревянные стрелы и болты соответственно. Колчан с бесконечными снарядами можно так же купить у Тифани по символической цене - 1600 аден.
Оружие существенно превосходит по своим характеристикам оружие высшего ранга в игре - Хелиоса (R99).
При экипировке оружия в окне умений появляется его пассивное умение.

Оружие Запечатанной Силы Героя имеет особое пассивное умение.
Будьте уверены! Мощное снаряжение непременно поможет вам при охоте на монстров и рейдовых боссов!
Сравнение экипировки:

Свиток Силы Героя
Но чтобы почувствовать себя настоящим героем, необходимо распечатать необузданную силу триумфаторов Великой Олимпиады с помощью особого предмета!
Для этого поговорите с Тифани и получите Свиток Силы Героя.

У Тифани хорошая память, поэтому придётся ограничиться лишь одним свитком в день.
Возьмите в руки нужное вам Оружие Запечатанной Силы Героя и откройте окно умений.
Используйте умение Сила Героя (см. предметные умения), чтобы наделить ваше оружие силой великих героев! Улучшение абсолютно бесплатно.

Оружие Запечатанной Силы Героя можно улучшить при наличии в инвентаре Свитка Силы Героя.
После использования умения, в инвентаре персонажа появится Оружие Силы Героя (в зависимости от типа ранее экипированного оружия: лук, копьё и т.п.).
Прежнее Оружие Запечатанной Силы Героя сохранится при улучшении и вы сможете использовать оба предмета!
Один персонаж может получить не более одного свитка в день (обновление происходит в 6:30 утра по МСК).
Свиток Силы Героя нельзя обменять, выбросить и продать, но можно уничтожить и положить в личное хранилище.
Оружие Силы Героя
Наделив прежнее оружие силой героев, вы сможете охотиться ещё лучше!
Оружие Силы Героя имеет ярко-зелёное свечение, подобное тому, что у Оружия Вечности.

Оружие Вечности имеет яркое золотистое свечение.Тогда как Оружие Силы Героя светится ярко-зелёным.
Оружие теневое и действует всего 2 часа с момента покупки (лимит времени действует даже если персонаж не в игре).
Оружие Силы Героя не имеет ранга. Его можно использовать с Зарядами Души/Духа без ранга (их можно приобрести у бакалейщиков в любом городе).
Как и в случае с запечатанным оружием, для стрельбы из лука и арбалета потребуются деревянные стрелы и болты соответственно. Колчан с бесконечными снарядами можно купить у Тифани.
При экипировке оружия в окне умений появляется его пассивное умение.

У Оружия Силы Героя так же есть мощное умение.
Оружие Силы Героя не имеет равных по характеристикам, разве что снаряжение настоящих героев - Оружие Вечности может сравниться с ним!
Сравнение экипировки:

Дополнительная информация:
Оба типа оружия нельзя:
обменять и выбросить;
отправить по почте;
продать NPC, в личной торговой лавке и в Системе Комиссионной Торговли;
положить в клановое хранилище;
передать другим персонажам на аккаунте через Менеджера Витаминов;
улучшить Камнем Жизни;
установить обычный/редкий Кристалл Души;
добавить опции PvP/PvE с помощью Камня Тёмного/Кровавого Хелиоса;
добавить опции PvP у NPC Рапидус;
обработать Камнем Обработки и использовать в качестве прототипа;
преобразовать в оружие расы Камаэль с помощью умения Конверсия;
использовать на Олимпиаде.
Оба типа оружия можно:
положить в личное хранилище;
использовать во временных зонах;
использовать хаотическим персонажем (PK);
использовать на аренах Фестиваля Хаоса (оружие снимается при телепорте на арену, но его можно повторно экипировать).

Удачной охоты, великие герои!
Последнее редактирование модератором:


на ОБТ будет стартовать НПС Помощник тестового сервера Королева Ян и Мистер Кот
С помощью этих НПС Вы сможите :
- получение первой профессии;
-получение второй профессии;
-получение третьей профессии;
-перерождение (получение четвертой профессии);
-стать дворянином;
-выучить все умения до третьей профессии
Так же Вы сможете приобрести такие предметы для развития своего персонажа
- купить предмет:
*Древняя краска Ур5 (ЛВК,СИЛ,ВЫН,ИНТ,МДР,ДУХ)
*заряд Души ранга D,C,B,A,S,R;
*благословенный заряд Духа D,C,B,A,S,R;
*заряд Духа зверя;
*доспехи ранга S80;
*оружие ранга S80;
*оружие ранга R( Апокалипсис);
*доспехи ранга R(Ад);
*оружие ранга R95(фантазма);
*доспехи ранга R95(кадейра);
*бижутерия ранга S80,R,R95
- купить модификаторы или другие предметы :
*кристаллы души ранга R,R95;
*камни жизни ранга R,R95;
*кристаллы ранга D,C,B,A,S;
*самоцветы ранга A,S,R;
*свитки модификации доспехов и оружия ранга D,C,B,A,S;
*ресурсы 1lvl-5lvl;
*камень рун
*Упаковка: Книга телепорта к Флагу;
*Упаковка: Свиток телепорта к Флагу;
*Изменение Цвета Титула;
*Особая Коробка Небесного печенья (атаки,защиты,магии);
*Упаковка:Благословенные Перья(3шт);
*Настойка Всплеска Энергии;
*Камень: Модифицировать оружия ранга D,C,B,A,S.R;
*Камень: Модифицировать доспеах ранга D,C,B,A,S.R
Для тех кто решил стать главой клана
-повысить уровень клана (только для главы клана);
-получить очки репутации клана для обучения умениям клана

Последнее редактирование модератором:


Lara's S.O.S Event Is Here!

March 18th, 2015 to April 1st, 2015
Main event period: Lara and Mr. Boss spawn in town.
Lara gives out buffs to Lv. 85 and above characters.
On April 1st, 2015 the event concludes.
Lara’s Buff is removed and the following event related items are deleted:
Lara’s Gift
Lara’s Key Card
Lara’s Business Card (will be deleted the following maintenance, April 8th, 2015)
Daily Buff and Gift:
Claim Lara’s Key Card (1 per Account, Character’s Lv. 85 and Above)
Claim Lara’s Buff and Lara’s Business Card (1 per Day, per Account)
Lara’s Buff will level once it expires, up to 3 times.
When Lara’s Buff Lv. 3 expires, you will receive 1 Lara’s Gift reward item.
Collect at least 12 of Lara’s Business Cards during the event period to qualify for Random Prize Drawing.
Only 1 of Lara’s Business Cards can be earned each day, so you will need to login during the event at least 12 days.

Event items:
Lara’s Gift A Gift from Lara, open for a random reward!
Lara’s Key Card You need this to receive buffs from Lara.
Lara’s Business Card Collect 12 of these during the event to qualify for Random Prize Drawing.

Lara's Buff:
Lara’s Buff Lv. 1 For 1 Hour, +30% XP/SP, P./M. Attack + 5%, Received Damage – 5%
Lara’s Whimsical Buff Lv. 2 For 1 Hour, +30% XP/SP, P./M. Attack + 5%, Received Damage – 5%, +30 Attribute Defense
Lara’s Delightful Buff Lv. 3 For 2 Hours, +30% XP/SP, P./M. Attack + 5%, Received Damage – 5%, +30 Defense Attribute, +50 Attack Attribute.

Random Prize Drawing:
After the event concludes, players will be randomly selected from the list of accounts that collected 12 or more of Lara’s Business Cards. We'll be giving out an Amaranthine Weapon Box and a Scroll of Blessing (R99-Grade) to 2 people per server. Prizes will be distributed on Friday, April 3rd to winning accounts.
Lara's Gift
Lara's Gift will give one of the following reward items:
Possible Rewards
Blessed Scroll of Escape (x2)
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (Event) (x1)
5000 Mysterious Soulshots (R-grade)-Event
3000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade)-Event
Giant's Energy (x1)
Rose Essence (x10)
Energy of Destruction 3-unit Pack (x1)
Mysterious Friend Summon Bracelet Pack (30-day) (x1)
Shiny Cube Fragment Armor - R (x1)
Shiny Cube Fragment Weapon - R (x1)
My Teleport Pack (x1)
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Сверкающий Уайт(Управляющий ивентами)
Здравствуйте ! я Сверкающий уайт. Я раздаю красивые браслеты. Это замечательное украшение с 3 ячейками.
Я бы с радостью отдал все бесплатно,но из-за ограниченного количества вынужден брать плату, равную цене материала, У меня не осталось ни единого браслета!
Если у вас уже есть браслет,то Вы не можете получить еще. Конечно можно выбросить полученный браслет в корзину и получить еще один. Но в этом нет ни какого смысла,Верно?
Блестящий браслет - при надевание добавляет 3 ячейки для талисманов , нельзя использовать во время Олимпиады.
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Power of Love Returns!

The Power of Love is back and is spreading through Aden! Every year on Valentine’s Day, the citizens of Aden give cakes to their significant others to express their love. However, the bakery that supplies the cakes has been sabotaged by Beleth! The wizards of the Ivory Tower fear that with no love (cake) in the hearts of Aden citizens, hatred and evil will run rampant throughout the world. A sweet and joyful wizard named Coco Brownie has been dispatched by the Ivory Tower to help spread the Power of Love back to the people of Aden with your help!
February 11th, 2015 to March 11th, 2015:
Main event period: Love Potions drop from monsters. Coco Brownie NPC is in town to give out buff items.
Server Event Settings: Vitality increased to 300% and No XP Loss Upon Death (does not apply to Chaotic characters).
March 11th, 2015: The Coco Brownie NPC leaves the game, Love Potions no longer drop, and server event settings are turned off.
The following event-related items are deleted:
Chocolate Truffle
Candy Heart
Comfort Cookie
Coco’s Transformation Chocolate
Coco’s Friend Summon Chocolate
Coco’s Transformation Candy
Coco’s Friend Summon Candy
Coco’s Transformation Cookie
Coco’s Friend Summon Cookie

Love Potion
Love Potions drop from monsters you hunt. The Love Potions double P. Atk./M. Atk./Attack Speed/Casting Speed for 2 minutes for everyone in your party and change the appearance of your weapons. The Love Potion buff instantly activates upon pickup from defeated monsters.
(The effect of the Love Potion disappears when you restart the game.)
Coco Brownie (Event NPC):
Talk to Coco Brownie in any town to receive special Valentine’s Day buff items. You can choose Chocolate Truffle, Candy Heart, or Comfort Cookie. Each one slowly replenishes your Vitality in peace zones and also has its own special power.
You can only claim one type of buff item from Coco Brownie. Each buff lasts 2 hours, but there is no limit on usage. To receive a different type of buff from the NPC, delete your existing buff items in your inventory and choose again.
If 3 people in a party with each item gather around and use their buff items, they can receive all of the effects.
Example: Character A consumes the Chocolate Truffle, Character B consumes the Candy Heart, and Character C consumes the Comfort Cookie. All three buffs will appear on the status bar of everyone in the party.
Event Items and Skills
Chocolate Truffle: Vitality is slowly replenished while in a peace zone. Double to apply Decadence Buff.
Decadence: For 1 Hour, grants STR +2, INT +2, and Attribute Resistance +20

Candy Heart: Vitality is slowly replenished while in a peace zone. Double to apply Sugar Rush Buff.
Sugar Rush: For 1 Hour, grants STR +2, INT +2, DEX +2, and WIT +2

Comfort Cookie: Vitality is slowly replenished while in a peace zone. Double to apply Forever Alone Buff.
Forever Alone: For 1 Hour, grants STR +2, INT +2, CON +2, and MEN +2
Coco’s Transformation Items (Chocolate, Candy, Cookie):
Randomly transform your character into one of the following: Snow Man, Scarecrow Jack, Tin Golem, Makeshift Bat, Lady Tow, Angry Tow, Sleepy Tow. Appearance last for 60 Minutes. Appearance can be removed by Alt + Left Clicking the buff icon.
Coco’s Friend Summon Items (Chocolate, Candy, Cookie): You can summon 1 party member once every 30 minutes.

Weapon Appearance Buffs:
You can talk to Coco Brownie to turn your weapon into something sweet for 5 minutes. The weapon appearance buff will also disappear when you log out.
Weapon Appearance Coupons
Valentine Weapon Appearance Coupons (30-day) are also available in the L2 Store for only 1 NCoin! You trade this coupon in at the Adventurer's Guide, illustrated below, and the appearance effect will last for 30 days.
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Birth of Draco: Part III

The event duration dates are as follows:
January 14th to January 28th: Main event period. Event items drop from monsters.
January 28th to February 4th: Event items no longer drop. Event NPC remains in-game.
February 4th: The event NPC leaves the game and the following event-only items are deleted:
Small Draco Egg
Large Draco Egg
Small Draco Egg (x10)
Small Draco Egg (x50)
Agathion - Spirit of Flame
Shattered Egg Shell
Draco's Blessing (1-hour)
Additional Event Settings
During the event period, all Venir Talisman stages will have 100% compounding success rate.
1. Obtain a Draco Egg
While hunting monsters, Small Draco Eggs and Large Draco eggs have a chance to drop.
Small Draco Egg Draco Egg that has been purified of evil energy. Double-click on it to summon a Small Draco Egg.
Large Draco Egg Draco Egg that has been purified of evil energy. Double-click on it to summon a Large Draco Egg.

2. Incubate the Draco Egg
In any major town, speak to Servant of Flames Aslan to obtain a Spirit of Flame Agathion bracelet. Equip the bracelet and summon the Agathion.
Use the Agathion skill Pa’agrio’s Hand to raise the egg’s temperature.
A Small Draco Egg temperature can be raised between 1 and 10 degrees all at once.
A Large Draco Egg is much more sensitive to heat: its temperature can be raised only between 0.1 and 1 degrees.
You have to successfully incubate the egg in a certain amount of time. There is an interface window that tells you how warm your egg is and how many seconds you have left to heat and hatch the egg. Keep heating your egg until it is fully warmed at 37 degrees, but try not to go over 37 degrees or the incubation and hatching will automatically fail.
Small Draco Eggs have to be heated within 20 seconds and must reach a temperature between 26 and 37 degrees.
Large Draco Eggs have to be heated within 25 seconds and must reach a temperature between 36 and 37 degrees. Since the Pa’agrio’s Hand skill has less effect on larger eggs, you will need friends to help you with this.

3. Hatch the Egg
Incubation Needed
Incubation Possible
Optimal Temperature Reached!
Incubation Failed
Indicator for Large Draco Egg
Use the Agathion skill Attempt Incubation on a warmed Draco Egg. Depending on its proximity to the optimal temperature, and the egg’s luck, you will succeed or fail at hatching the egg.
If you successfully hatch the egg, a cute dragon will appear and give you a Draco’s Gift item.
If you heat the egg to exactly 37 degrees, a cute dragon will appear and give you a Shiny Draco’s Gift item.
If the incubation fails or the hatching fails, you receive a Shattered Egg Shell item, which can be traded with the Servant of Flames Aslan NPC for event items or other prizes.
After successfully hatching a Draco Egg, a Lyn Draco may appear and give you a Lyn Draco Gift.
When you summon a Draco’s Egg, the Attention to Draco Incubation debuff is applied, preventing you from summoning additional eggs.

4. Small Draco Egg Exchange
You can talk to Aslan and exchange your Small Draco Eggs for bundle eggs such as Small Draco Egg x10 or Small Draco Egg x50.
If you succeed in hatching these special bundle eggs, then you can obtain 10 or 50 rewards at once. However, if you fail then you will receive Shattered Egg Shells based on the bundle egg used. Please note that you can only receive 1 Lyn Draco's Gift regardless of the type of bundle egg successfully hatched.
Draco's Gift
Draco's Health Potion Upon use, it restores 3000 HP and the remaining power restores CP instantly. Instant effect with no duration.
Draco's Mana Potion Magical potion that restores MP by 100. Instant effect with no duration. Can be exchanged and dropped. Can use a private store. Cannot be used when MP is full.
Scroll: 50,000 SP Scroll that replenishes 50,000 SP.
Mysterious Soulshot Small Pack (R-grade) Pack that contains 500 Mysterious Soulshots (R-grade).
Mysterious Spiritshot Small Pack (R-grade) Pack that contains 500 Mysterious Spiritshots (R-grade).

Draco's Shiny Gift
Draco's Shiny Accessory Pack Double-click to receive one of the following: Antharas' Earring, Valakas' Necklace, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Bottle of Antharas' Soul, Bottle of Valakas' Soul, Istina's Earring/Necklace/Ring, and Octavis' Earring/Necklace/Ring.
Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul Bring this to Rafforty to bestow Queen Ant's Ring with Queen Ant's soul.
Bottle of Orfen's Soul Bring this to Rafforty to bestow Orfen's Earring with Orfen's soul.
Bottle of Frintezza's Soul Take it to Rafforty to bestow Frintezza's Soul on Frintezza's Necklace.
Bloody Amaranthine Enhancement Stone Bestows the PvE option on an Amaranthine weapon through the blacksmith. When the option is bestowed, Energy of Destruction and Giant's Energy are additionally requested.
Giant's Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade) P. Def. + 2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting at + 4. Can be safely enchanted to + 3. When enchanted to + 4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value. Randomly adds between + 1 and + 3 enchant value.
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade) P. Def. + 2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting at + 4. Can be safely enchanted to + 3. When enchanted to + 4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value. In case of failed enchantment, this item does not get crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0.
Scroll of Blessing (R-grade)(Campaign) Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double click to use.
Scroll of Blessing (R95-grade) The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Specter or Seraph equipment for Blessed equipment. Small fee is charged.
Scroll of Blessing (R99-grade) The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Amaranthine or Eternal equipment for Blessed equipment. Small fee is charged.
High-grade Wind Dye Pack Wrapped Pack containing a Lv. 5 CHA/LUC Dye.
Lv. 5 Legendary Dye Pack When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 5 Legendary Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
Talisman - Anakim When equipped, P. Def. + 971, HP Recovery by 6, Dark Resistance and Holy Resistance by 10, and Damage Reflect Resistance by 6. Effects do not stack with Talisman - Seven Signs. Only one effect is applied when two of the same Talisman are equipped.
Energy of Destruction 3-unit Pack Double-click to obtain Energy of Destruction x3.
Venir's Talisman - Stage 1
MEN + 1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
Elcyum Rare mineral discovered in the deepest part of the Spine Mine area. Use the item to receive various abilities including item enchantment/augmentation.
Elcyum Powder Rare mineral discovered in the deepest part of the Spine Mine area. Take 10 units of Elcyum Powder to a Merchant of Mammon to receive an Elcyum Crystal.
Elcyum Crystal Rare mineral discovered in the deepest part of the Spine Mine area. Take 10 Elcyum Crystals to a Merchant of Mammon to receive Elcyum.
Octavis' Necklace MP + 74, Dark Resistance + 35, P. Skill Power increase.
Octavis' Earring MP + 56, Hold/Sleep Resistance + 40%, hold/Sleep attack + 40%, Earth Resistance 30. Only one effect is applied when two of the same Earring are equipped.
Octavis' Ring MP + 37, increases P. Critical Damage, Fire Resistance + 20. Only one effect is applied when two of the same Ring are equipped.

Lyn Draco's Gift
Lyn Draco's Accessory Pack Use it to receive one of the following: Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Blessed Antharas' Earring, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, and Tauti's Ring.
Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) P. Atk. + 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, daggers, spears, and other weapons when enchanted. P. Atk. + 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, dualswords, two-handed fist weapons, and crossbows. P. Atk. + 12 for bow weapons. M. Atk. + 5 for all weapons. P. Atk./M. Atk. greatly increases at + 4. All amounts are increased for blessed weapons. Randomly adds between + 1 and + 3 enchant value.
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) P. Atk. + 6 for R-grade one-handed sword, one-handed blunt, dagger, spear, and other weapons when enchanted. P. Atk. + 7 for two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, dualsword, two-handed fist weapon, and crossbow. P. Atk. + 12 for bow weapons. M. Atk. + 5 for all weapons. P. Atk./M. Atk. greatly increases starting at + 4. All amounts are increased for Blessed weapons. If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized, but the enchant value will be reset to 0.
Scroll of Blessing (R95-grade) The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Specter or Seraph equipment for Blessed equipment. Small fee is charged.
Scroll of Blessing (R99-grade) The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Amaranthine or Eternal equipment for Blessed equipment. Small fee is charged.
High-grade Wind Dye Pack Wrapped Pack containing aLv. 5 CHA/LUC Dye.
Lv. 5 Legendary Dye Pack When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 5 Legendary Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
Other Rewards
Servant of Flames Aslan, will exchange Shattered Egg Shells for items.
Shattered Egg Shell
Shattered Egg Shells Reward Item Item Description
300 Draco’s Hat A cute Draco’s Hat
50 Draco’s Blessing (1-hour) For 1 hour, increases XP and SP acquired while hunting by 100% when used by character level 1 ~ 95.
5000 Draco’s Hat: STR Pendant Combine with Draco’s Hat to create Draco’s Hat: STR
5000 Draco’s Hat: DEX Pendant Combine with Draco’s Hat to create Draco’s Hat: DEX
5000 Draco’s Hat: CON Pendant Combine with Draco’s Hat to create Draco’s Hat: CON
5000 Draco’s Hat: MEN Pendant Combine with Draco’s Hat to create Draco’s Hat: MEN
5000 Draco’s Hat: INT Pendant Combine with Draco’s Hat to create Draco’s Hat: INT
5000 Draco’s Hat: WIT Pendant Combine with Draco’s Hat to create Draco’s Hat: WIT
Shattered Egg Gambling
If you’re feeling lucky, you can exchange 50 Shattered Egg Shells at Servant of Flames Aslan and he will give you one of the following rewards at random:
1 Small Draco
1 Large Draco Egg
1 Draco’s Gift
1 Shiny Draco’s Gift
Event NPC
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Holidays in Aden

Season's Greetings, adventurers! Santa has delivered some great holiday cheer to Aden by helping us apply some server settings! From extra rewards from Nightmare Kamaloka to Revelation Skill reset fee reductions, read up on the changes below! These changes will be in effect until January 7th, 2015!
Double Nightmare Kamaloka Rewards* (see below)
Field Raid Boss respawn time reduced by 50%
Daily Energy of Destruction obtained through hunting doubled (2 ] 4)
Appearance rate doubled for enhanced bosses in the Crystal Caverns instance
Fee to reset Revelation Skills reduced (100,000,000 ] 50,000,000 Adena)
Fee to reset Ability Points reduce (10,000,000 ] 5,000,000 Adena)
Clan skill consumption fee reduced by 50%
a. Clan Summon
i. Normal: 5 Spirit Ore, 900 Individual Fame
ii. Event: 2 Spirit Ore, 450 Individual Fame
b. Clan Resurrection Lock
i. Normal: 150 Spirit Ore, 100 Clan Reputation
ii. Event: 75 Spirit Ore, 50 Clan Reputation
c. Clan Escape Lock
i. Normal: 100 Spirit Ore, 3000 Individual Fame
ii. Event: 50 Spirit Ore, 1500 Individual Fame
d. Clan Escape
i. Normal: 50 Spirit Ore, 2000 Individual Fame
ii. Event: 25 Spirit Ore, 1000 Individual Fame
e. Clan Prison
i. Normal: 30 Spirit Ore, 3000 Individual Fame
ii. Event: 15 Spirit Ore, 1500 Individual Fame
f. Clan Boundary
i. Normal: 50 Spirit Ore, 3000 Individual Fame
ii. Event: 25 Spirit Ore, 1500 Individual Fame
g. Clan Friendly
i. Normal: 50 Spirit Ore, 3500 Individual Fame
ii. Event: 25 Spirit Ore, 1750 Individual Fame
h. Clan Defense
i. Normal: 30 Spirit Ore, 1000 Clan Reputation
ii. Event: 15 Spirit Ore, 500 Clan Reputation
i. Clan Un-Debuff
i. Normal: 30 Spirit Ore, 1500 Individual Fame
ii. Event: 15 Spirit Ore, 750 Individual Fame
j. Clan Copy
i. Normal: 50 Spirit Ore, 1500 Individual Fame
ii. Event: 25 Spirit Ore, 750 Individual Fame
k. Clan Guardian
i. Normal: 100 Spirit Ore, 1000 Clan Reputation
ii. Event: 50 Spirit Ore, 500 Clan Reputation

* How to get double rewards in Nightmare Kamaloka:
- Defeat the Golden Pig that appears when you defeat the Dark Rider in Nightmare Kamaloka.
- Golden Pig drops same rewards as the Dark Rider.
- Golden Pig does not drop the Extra Pass: Nightmare Kamaloka pass.
- Get a Flash Grenade too!

Flash Grenade
Flash Grenade - Lets you identify hidden targets or traps. Tradable. Can be auctioned, sold in private stores, or stored in private/clan warehouses. Cannot be used in Olympiad or sent through Dimensional Merchant.
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The Hunt for Santa Begins!

Santa has gone missing! The whole holiday season is in jeopardy of being ruined forever if he is not found in time! Noelle has been left to finish making preparations for the busy holiday and needs some brave adventurers to help her locate Santa.

December 10th to January 7th:

Event NPC ‘Noelle’ will visit towns to spread holiday cheer and enlist your help.

January 7th:

Event NPC ‘Noelle’ departs for lands unknown and the following event-related items are deleted:
Noelle's Gift
Santa's Mark
Form a party of 3 characters with difference races or 7 party members to receive three Fairy’s Blessing buffs from Event Manager Noelle. (Solo characters can still claim 1 Fairy’s Blessing buff.)
Each Fairy’s Blessing buff lasts for 2 hours and provides 1 Santa’s Mark event item upon the buff timers expiring. Characters must have inventory space available and must be alive for the Santa’s Mark item to be rewarded.
Stocking Fairy's Blessing Tree Fairy's Blessing Snowman Fairy's Blessing
STR+3, INT +3, Speed +7 CON+3, MEN+3,
P./M. Critical Rate +30 DEX+3, WIT+3,
Max HP/MP +2013
Event NPC Noelle
Noelle's Services:
Noelle offers event buffs and will also exchange Santa's Marks for event items.
Event Item Description
Santa's Suit - Equip to wear Santa’s Suit, replaces all armor slots. Costs 6x Santa's Marks
Santa Hat - Equip to wear Santa’s hat. Uses 2 Accessory Slots. Costs 6x Santa's Marks
Santa's Cloak - Equip to wear Santa’s Cloak. Costs 6x Santa's Marks
Appearance Stone: Santa's Suit - Changes armor appearance into Santa Suit. For upper chest armor and one-piece only. Costs 6x Santa's Marks
Appearance Stone: Santa's Hat - Changes 2-Slot hair accessory to Santa Hat appearance. Costs 6x Santa's Marks
Noelle's Gift - Consume to activate vitality regeneration while in peace zones for 6-Hours. Restores a small amount of vitality when the buff expires. Costs 3x Santa's Marks
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Dance Cat Revolution Returns!

The Dancing Cats make their return to Aden! These lovable cats love to dance and help out adventurers. Read below for more details on when and where they'll be available!
November 12th to December 3rd, 2014:
The main event period. Dancing Cat NPCs will be in towns to give buffs to parties with 3 or more different races.

December 3rd, 2014:
Dancing Cat NPCs take their show on the road and will no longer be in-game.
During the event, talk to a Dancing Cat in any town to get the Dancing Cat's Buff. In order to get the buff, players need to be in a party of 3 different races, or form a full party with 7 members. You will only receive the buff after the party leader has talked to a Dancing Cat NPC. The buff lasts for 1 hour, but it will disappear when you change main/dual/sub or die.
If you don't meet the conditions for the buff, the buff button will not be activated.
Skill Name Effect
Dancing Cat's Steps Lv. 1 Reduces the skill cooldown times by 10% for 1 hour, and increases Max HP by 30%, Max MP by 30%, Max CP by 30%, P. Def. by 30%, M. Def. by 30%, Speed by 20, P. Atk. by 10%, M. Atk. by 20%, and MP consumption decreases by 15%.
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Alien Invasion!

October 22, 2014 to November 5, 2014:
Main event period. The L2B2 NPC is in town. Alien Researchers are invading level 85+ hunting zones! Monster Research books will drop from monsters.

November 5, 2014 to November 12, 2014:
The L2B2 NPC remains in-game. Monster Research no longer drops from monsters.

November 12, 2014:
The L2B2 NPC leaves the game and the following event-related items are deleted:
Laser Gun
Monster Research
Mission 01 - Collect Monster Research
Monsters in all hunting zones will drop Monster Research. In addition, Monster Research can also be purchased from the L2 Store. However, when characters that are Awakened or have completed their 3rd liberation hunt monsters in lower-level hunting zones (below 85), no Monster Research books will be dropped for them.

You can then bring 100 Monster Research books to L2B2 and exchange them for Reward Capsules.

Equip a Laser Gun - Pew Pew!
The Laser Gun can be received from the alien spy L2B2 NPC located in each town. A Laser Gun is a two-handed weapon, and an item skill called Pew Pew appears on the skill window when equipped.

The Laser Gun can only be used by characters Lv. 85 or above, and it cannot be dropped or destroyed.

Skill Name Description
Pew Pew! Shoot the Laser Gun against Alien Researchers

Mission 02 - Defeat Alien Researchers
The Alien Researcher appears at a set rate in hunting zones for characters level 85 or higher. When the Alien Researcher appears, equip the Laser Gun and use the Pew Pew skill to attack. The Alien Researcher is not affected by normal attacks, and only the Pew Pew skill can deal damage. The Alien Researcher attacks the player when it is attacked, but the damage is minimal. Characters hit by the Alien Researcher’s skill will have their heads grow bigger.

Alien Researchers will drop Alien Nano Supplements after they are defeated. Players can get one of 8 Alien Nano Supplement buff items that last for 30 minutes.

During 20:00 to 23:00 Server Time, Alien Researchers drop 3 Monster Research books when defeated. Alien Nano Supplements will not drop during this time.

Buff Name Effect
Alien Nano Supplement – Strong Flavor Lv 1
STR +6 effect applies for 30 minutes.
Cannot be stacked with other types of Alien Nano Supplement or Fish Stew.
Alien Nano Supplement – Accurate Flavor Lv 1
DEX +6 effect applies for 30 minutes.
Cannot be stacked with other types of Alien Nano Supplement or Fish Stew.
Alien Nano Supplement – Tough Flavor Lv 1
CON +6 effect applies for 30 minutes.
Cannot be stacked with other types of Alien Nano Supplement or Fish Stew.
Alien Nano Supplement – Smart Flavor Lv 1
INT +6 effect applies for 30 minutes.
Cannot be stacked with other types of Alien Nano Supplement or Fish Stew.
Alien Nano Supplement – Swift Flavor Lv 1
WIT +6 effect applies for 30 minutes.
Cannot be stacked with other types of Alien Nano Supplement or Fish Stew.
Alien Nano Supplement – Resistance Flavor Lv 1
MEN +6 effect applies for 30 minutes.
Cannot be stacked with other types of Alien Nano Supplement or Fish Stew.
Alien Nano Supplement – Lucky Flavor Lv 1
LUC +6 effect applies for 30 minutes.
Cannot be stacked with other types of Alien Nano Supplement or Fish Stew.
Alien Nano Supplement – Charisma Flavor Lv 1
CHA +6 effect applies for 30 minutes.
Cannot be stacked with other types of Alien Nano Supplement or Fish Stew.
* When using an Alien Nano Supplement, your armor appearance will be changed to a Metal Suit.
Exchange Monster Research
Collect Monster Research from monsters in hunting zones and take them to the L2B2 NPC in any of the towns to exchange them for Reward Capsules. When you exchange 100 Monster Research, you will receive one L2B2 Transformation Potion.

Exchange Items Monster Research
1 Reward Capsule 100
100 Reward Capsules 10,000
Go to the L2B2 NPC in any of the villages and exchange 100 Monster Research books for Reward Capsules to get one of the following items:

Note: You can exchange 1,000 Bottle Fragments for a Soul Bottle at the Rafforty NPC in Ice Merchant Cabin.

Type Reward
Rare Accessories
Blessed Antharas Earring
Blessed Valakas Necklace
Baium's Soul Ring
Antharas Earring
Valakas Necklace
Queen Ant's Soul Ring
Frintezza Soul Necklace
Baium's Ring
Orfen's Soul Earring
Queen Ant's Ring
Blessed Freya's Necklace
Orfen's Earring
Frintezza Necklace
Freya's Necklace
Soul Bottles
Bottle of Baium's Soul
Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul
Bottle of Frintezza's Soul
Bottle of Valakas Soul
Bottle of Antharas Soul
Bottle of Orfen's Soul
Bottle of Freya's Soul
Soul Bottle Fragments
Bottle Fragment of Antharas' Soul
Bottle Fragment of Baium's Soul
Bottle Fragment of Freya's Soul
Bottle Fragment of Frintezza's Soul
Bottle Fragment of Orfen's Soul
Bottle Fragment of Queen Ant's Soul
Bottle Fragment of Valakas' Soul
Venir's Talisman
Venir's Talisman [Stage 1]
Venir's Talisman [Stage 2]
Venir's Talisman [Stage 3]
Venir's Talisman [Stage 4]
Venir's Talisman [Stage 5]
Venir's Talisman [Stage 6]
Venir's Talisman [Stage 7]
Venir's Talisman [Stage 8]
Additional Information
1. During the event period, only the Laser Gun can be used to defeat the Alien Researcher that appears at Lv. 85 or above hunting zones.
2. Only characters Lv. 85 or above can receive the Laser Gun from L2B2.
3. When equipped with the Laser Gun, players can use the Pew Pew item skill, and this skill can only be used when targeted at an Alien Researcher.
4. Alien Nano Supplements can be obtained every day by defeating Alien Researchers during the event period, except between 20:00~23:00 server time.
5. Laser Guns will completely be removed during the maintenance on November 12th.
6. Venir's Talismans can be compounded and reinforced at a set rate.
When compounding them, 2 talismans with the same rate of enchantment are needed.
If compounding fails, you will keep one of the two talismans.
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Fall Crafting Festival Has Begun!

The Fall Crafting Festival has returned! Fall has arrived and the Dwarves know no greater way of celebrating this time of year than by increasing the crafting of fine armaments for everyone! To celebrate the Fall Crafting Festival, the Dwarves have increased the success rate on normal R1, R2, R95, R99 recipes. They've also reduced the Augmentation removal fee and much more, but only for a limited time. Log in today and join in on the Fall Crafting Festival, going on from October 1st to October 15th.
Crafting Event:
R-Grade Recipes (Requiem Weapons, Apocalypse Weapons, Immortal Armor, and Twilight Armor) have a success rate of 75%.
R95-Grade Recipes (Specter Weapons and Seraph Armor) and R99-Grade Recipes (Amaranthine Weapons and Eternal Armor) have a success rate of 70%.
Crafting Fail will give 20% of the crystallization value of the item being crafted.
Bonus Settings:
Augmentation removal Fee = 0 Adena.
IMPORTANT: The recipe descriptions when crafting say 100% success rate, but this is a cosmetic bug. The information above reflects the actual rates to successfully craft an item.
ll server settings will run from October 1st to October 15th.
The L2 Store has been updated with some new items available temporarily for the Crafting Festival! Also being updated on the L2 Store on October 1st are the Exploration Packs, and these are permanent changes to the packs. Check out the changes below!

Available October 1st - October 15th, 2014
Gemstone (A-Grade) x1000 - 400 NCoin. Grants 5 Hero Coin. Tradable.
Crafting Ingredients Pack (x50) - 400 NCoin - Acquire 10 units of an ingredient needed for crafting items. Grants 5 Hero Coin. Tradable.
Life Stone Pack (x10) - 200 NCoin - Contains various Life Stones. Double-click to receive a Life Stone Instilled with Giants' Power, Top-Grade Life Stone (R-Grade), High-Grade Life Stone (R-Grade), Mid-Grade Life Stone (R-Grade), or Life Stone (R-Grade). Grants 3 Hero Coin. Not tradable

Discovery Pack
Discovery Pack - 400 NCoin - Awards 5 Hero Coin. Contains the following items:
XP Rune III 50% 7-Day Pack
Drop Rate Rune 50% Pack (7-day)
SP Rune 50% 7-Day Pack
Mysterious Healthy Juice (HP/CP) x4

Adventure Pack
Adventure Pack - 1,200 NCoin - Awards 17 Hero Coin. Contains the following items:
XP Rune III 50% 30-Day Pack
Drop Rate Rune 50% Pack (30-day)
SP Rune 50% Pack (30-day)
Mysterious Healthy Juice (HP/CP) x12

Destiny Pack
Destiny Pack - 3,600 NCoin - Awards 54 Hero Coin, a 20% bonus. Contains the following items:
XP Rune III 100% 30-Day Pack
Drop Rate Rune 100% Pack (30-day)
SP Rune 100% Pack (30-day)
Mysterious Healthy Juice (HP/CP) x36
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The Hungry Horse Event

August 27 to September 10, 2014:
The main event period! The Galup NPC is in villages and level 85+ hunting zones. Carrots will drop from monsters.
September 10 to September 17, 2014:
The Galup NPC remains in-game. Carrots no longer drop from monsters.
September 17, 2014:
The Galup NPC leaves the game and the following event-related items are deleted:
Carrot Pouch
Galup's Gift Pouch
Collecting Carrots
Monsters in all hunting zones will drop Carrots. In addition, carrots can also be purchased from the L2 Store.
When characters that are Awakened (or have completed their 3rd Liberation) hunt monsters in appropriate hunting zones, Carrots will drop from monsters. If Awakened/Liberated characters hunt monsters in lower-level zones for non-Awakened characters, no Carrots will drop for them.

Galup's Surprise Appearance
A Hungry Galup will only appear at a set rate in hunting zones that are 85 or higher. Double-click on Carrots to feed him!
If you give Hungry Galup 7 Carrots, you will receive a reward.
After he eats a set number of Carrots, Hungry Galup will disappear and drop Galup's Gift Pouch. This will give you a Horse Power buff and a Carrot Pouch that can be used to obtain multiple Carrots.
The Horse Power buff increases moving speed by 100 and lasts 5 minutes. It cannot be stacked, but will not be deleted when entering an instanced zone.
Exchange Carrots
Collect Carrots from hunting zones and take them to the Event NPC Galup in any of the villages to exchange them for Galup's Special Luck Pouch.
Exchange Item Carrots
Galup's Special Luck Pouch 40
Please keep in mind that rewards can only be received when the inventory weight/quantity is less than 80% full.
You can go to the Event NPC Galup in any of the villages to exchange 40 Carrots for Galup's Special Luck Pouch, which will then give you one of the following items:
Type Item
Rare Items
Raid Boss' Soul Pack
Bottle of Antharas' Soul
Bottle of Valakas' Soul
Soul Bottle Fragments
Bottle Fragment of Antharas' Soul
Bottle Fragment of Baium's Soul
Bottle Fragment of Freya's Soul
Bottle Fragment of Frintezza's Soul
Bottle Fragment of Orfen's Soul
Bottle Fragment of Queen Ant's Soul
Bottle Fragment of Valakas' Soul
Lv1 Windy LCK Symbol (Luc+1)
Lv2 Windy LCK Symbol (Luc+2)
Lv3 Windy LCK Symbol (Luc+3)
Lv4 Windy LCK Symbol (Luc+4)
Lv5 Windy LCK Symbol (Luc+5)
Lv1 Windy CHA Symbol (Cha+1)
Lv2 Windy CHA Symbol (Cha+2)
Lv3 Windy CHA Symbol (Cha+3)
Lv4 Windy CHA Symbol (Cha+4)
Lv5 Windy CHA Symbol (Cha+5)
Blessed Scroll of Escape
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection
Elcyum Powder
Secret Ancient Tome Fragment
Rune Stone
Agathion - Pegasus Pack
Mount - Unicorn
Unicorn Horn Circlet
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300% Vitality Boost

Push your character to the max with an increased vitality XP boost of 300% from July 9th to July 30th. Finally reach level 99 or level up that other alt you've been debating on. To help increase the benefits of the 300% Vit XP boost, we've added the Vitality Bundle and Ultimate Vitality Bundle to the L2 Store.
Vitality XP Boost: 300%
Normally: 200%

July 9th to July 30th

Vitality Bundles

Vitality Bundle - 320 NCoin - Grants 5 Hero Coin (20% bonus). Contains the following items:
Vitality Replenishing Scroll x1
Vitality Maintaining Potion (1-hour) x1
Erupting Vitality Potion x1
Ultimate Vitality Bundle - 2000 NCoin - Grants 30 Hero Coin (20% bonus). Contains the following items:
Vitality Replenishing Top-grade Scroll x2
Vitality Maintaining Potion (1-hour) x5
Erupting Vitality Potion x5
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The Fortune Teller Returns

Eve, the Crystal Seer has returned to reveal the fortune of Aden's adventurers. What does fortune have in store for you? New rewards have been added and you can now purchase Fortune Reading tickets for Adena. The Fortune Reading event will run from June 25th to July 9th, 2014. May fortune smile upon you!
The Fortune Reading event will run from June 25th to July 9th, 2014.
On July 9th, the Fortune Reading NPC (Eve) will be removed from the game.
Fortune Reading tickets and Luxury Fortune Reading Tickets will NOT be deleted after the event period is over.

1 Adena Fortune Reading Tickets (only available on June 25th): Fortune Reading tickets will be available for 1 Adena in the L2 Store and will be limited to 1 per account. There is a level 85 restriction on free fortune reading tickets. Be sure to get your free ticket fast before they are removed from the store on June 26th.
1 NCoin Fortune Reading Tickets (1 NCoin - 1 ticket per account per day): Fortune Reading Tickets will also be available once per account per day in the L2 Store for 1 NCoin. There is no level restriction on 1 NCoin Fortune Reading Tickets.
Fortune Reading Tickets (2,000,000 Adena): Fortune Reading Tickets can be purchased from the L2 Store for 2,000,000 Adena. No level or purchase restrictions.
Luxury Fortune Reading Tickets (480 NCoin): Luxury Fortune Reading Tickets will be available in the L2 Store for 480 NCoin. Luxury tickets have no level or purchase restrictions.
Present a fortune reading ticket to Crystal Seer Eve in any town and select a card of fate to receive your prize.
STEP 1: Talk to Crystal Seer Eve and Select the type of Reading (Luxury Reading or Fortune Reading)
STEP 2: Enter the amount of fortune reading tickets you would like to use.
A maximum of 50 tickets can be used for each play.
STEP 3: Begin Reading
STEP 4: Select a Card of Fate to receive your prize.
There is a 5-second timer to select one card out of the three fortune cards. If the timer runs out before you make a selection, then a card will automatically be selected for you.
STEP 5: Prizes will be placed in your inventory after your fortune has been read.
If your inventory is full, then Crystal Seer Eve will NOT read your fortune.
Fortune Reading Ticket Rewards
Dark Eternal Enhancement Stone - Bestows the PvP option on Eternal armor through the blacksmith. When the option is bestowed, Energy of Destruction and Giant's Energy are additionally requested.
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade) - When enchanted, P. Def. + 2 for R-grade armor and accessories, especially starting at + 4. Can be enchanted safely to + 3. When enchanted + 4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value. If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized, but the enchant value will be reset to 0.
Lv5 Giant Dye Pack - When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv.5 Giant Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
Weapon Attribute Change Crystal (R-grade) - Can change an R-grade weapon's attribute. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.
Mysterious Healthy Juice (HP/CP) - Mysterious juice that momentarily restores 30,000 HP and CP. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold, or used in Olympiad/Ceremony of Chaos. Can be shared through Dimensional Merchant or stored in private warehouse.
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) - When enchanted, P. Atk. + 6 for R-grade one-handed swords/blunts, daggers, spears, etc. P. Atk. + 7 for two-handed swords/blunts/fist weapons, dualswords, and crossbows. P. Atk. + 12 for bows, and M. Atk. + 5 for all weapons. Starting at + 4, P. Atk. / M. Atk. Increases significantly, especially for blessed weapons. Enchanting is safe up to + 3. Can be exchanged or dropped.
Aria's Life Stone - Stone containing Aria's power. Can be used as an ingredient for augmenting a special accessory.
High-grade Life Stone (R-grade) - High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 85 or above. Contains 2x.
Healing Potion of Chaos - Healing potion. Restores 2500 HP and instantly refills CP. Instant effect with no duration. Can be exchanged, dropped, or sold in private store. Contains x10.
Soulshot Pack (R-grade) - Can acquire 5,000 Soulshots (R-grade). Can be exchanged, dropped, and destroyed. Can be stored in a private warehouse
Blessed Spiritshot (R-grade) - The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an R-grade weapon. Contains 5,000.
Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade) - When enchanted, P. Def. + 2 for R-grade armor and accessories, especially starting at + 4. Can be enchanted safely to + 3. When armor is enchanted + 4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value
Blessed Scroll of Escape - Magical scroll that relocates you to the nearest village

Luxury Fortune Reading Ticket Rewards
Dark Amaranthine Enhancement Stone: Bestows the PvP option on Amaranthine weapon through the blacksmith. When the option is bestowed, Energy of Destruction and Giant's Energy are additionally requested.
Amaranthine Weapon Pack - Double-click to receive one Amaranthine weapon.
Shiny Elemental Shirt Exchange Stone - Bring Pa'agrio's Shirt, Maphr's Shirt, Sayha's Shirt, or Eva's Shirt to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to exchange for a Shiny Elemental Shirt. Cannot be dropped, auctioned, or shared through Dimensional Merchant. Can be stored in private warehouse.
Eternal Armor Pack - Double-click to receive one Eternal armor piece.
Lv. 5 Legendary Dye Pack: You have a chance to receive one of the 6 Legendary Dyes: Lv.5 INT Symbol, Lv.5 DEX Symbol, Lv. WIT Symbol, Lv.5 CON Symbol, Lv.5 MEN Symbol, Lv.5 STR Symbol.
Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) - Upon enchantment, P. Atk. for one-handed sword/blunt, dagger, spear, etc. (R-grade) + 6, and two-handed sword/blunt/fist, dualsword, and crossbow + 7. P. Atk. for bows + 12. M. Atk. for all weapons + 5. When weapons are enchanted to +4 or above, P. Atk. and M. Atk. Increase greatly. The increase is greater for blessed weapons than standard weapons. Weapons are randomly enchanted between + 1 and + 3.
Elcyum: Can be used for enchantment/augmentation of items with various abilities. Can be exchanged for a Life Stone Instilled with Giant's Power at a Merchant of Mammon.
Lv5 Ancient Dye Pack - When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv.5 Ancient Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) - When enchanted, P. Atk. + 6 for R-grade one-handed sword, one-handed blunt, dagger, spear, and other weapons when enchanted. P. Atk. + 7 for two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, dualsword, two-handed fist weapon, and crossbow. P. Atk. + 12 for bow weapons. M. Atk. + 5 for all weapons. P. Atk./M. Atk. greatly increases starting at + 4. All amounts are increased for Blessed weapons. If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized, but the enchant value will be reset to 0.
Top-grade Life Stone (R-grade) - Top-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 85 or above. Can be exchanged or dropped.
Giant's Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade) - Upon enchantment, P. Def. for R-grade armor and accessories increases by 2, and by a significant amount starting from +4. Armor and accessories can be safely enchanted up to +3. When armor is enchanted to +4 or above, HP also increases according to the enchant value. Armor and accessories are randomly enchanted between + 1 and + 3.
La Vie En Rose Jewel Box - Double-click to randomly get one of the La Vie en Rose jewels. Tradable.

Server Rewards (Luxury Fortune Reading Only)
Adventurers that use Luxury Fortune Reading tickets will be able to win server rewards. When the server reaches a certain number of luxury fortune readings, a special prize will be given to a lucky adventurer. As the number of luxury fortune readings increase, the better the rewards! The luxury fortune reading play count is server-based and the numbers are not displayed to players.
Talisman - Seven Signs – 4,500 Luxury Fortunes Read
Lindvior's Earring– 4,230 Luxury Fortunes Read
Blessed Valakas' Necklace – 4,005 Luxury Fortunes Read
Blessed Antharas' Earring- 3,600 Luxury Fortunes Read
Baium's Soul Ring- 3,015 Luxury Fortunes Read
Queen Ant's Soul Ring– 2,250 Luxury Fortunes Read
Life Stone Instilled with Giants' Power– 1,125 Luxury Fortunes Read

Play Count Rewards (Luxury Fortune Reading Only)
Adventurers playing the Luxury Fortune Reading will be able to receive the following reward on average play count 4-6: Soul Bottle Pack. There is a 1/3 chance to receive a quantity between 80, 40, or 20 Soul Bottle Packs. The play count reward is the prize you receive for that reading.

Item Description
La Vie en Rose Brooch (1 Adena) 2 jewel slots. Limited to 1 per account. No level restriction. Cannot be traded, gives +17 M. Def.
La Vie en Rose Noble Brooch Chest (2,000 NCoin) 3 jewel slot. Lv85-99 restriction, chest can be traded but not the brooch, +43 M. Def., 30 Hero Coin (20% bonus).
La Vie en Rose Brilliant Brooch Chest (4,000 NCoin) 4 jewel slots. Lv85-99 restriction, chest can be traded but not the brooch, +87 M. Def. and +12 inventory slots, 60 Hero Coin (20% bonus)
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The Legendary Card Event Returns

The Legendary Card Master Snake has returned to town after he lost his legendary cards again. Help Snake find his collection of rare legendary cards to receive amazing rewards!

June 4 - June 18th - The main event period. Legendary Cards and Legendary Pouches drop from monsters. Snake the Card Master is in town and offers rewards in exchange for turning in different sets of legendary cards.
June 18 - June 25th - Legendary Cards and Legendary Pouches no longer drop from monsters. Pre-accumulated cards can still be used and turned in to Snake for rewards.
June 25th - Snake leaves the game and the following event items will be deleted:
Legendary Card Pouch: Undead
Legendary Card Pouch: Monster
Legendary Card Pouch: Demon
Legendary Card Pouch: Orc
Legendary Card Pouch: Lucky Pouch
Legendary Card: Land of Chaos
Legendary Card: Sea of Spores
Legendary Card: Imperial Tomb
Legendary Card: Pagan Temple
Legendary Card: Fairy Settlement
Legendary Card: Seed of Hellfire
Legendary Card: Ketra Orc Outpost
Legendary Card: Raider’s Crossroads
Legendary Card: Guillotine Fortress
Legendary Card: Prison of Darkness
Legendary Card: Seed of Annihilation
Legendary Card: Hellbound
Destruction’s Shadow (Buff Item)
Evolving Darkness (Buff Item)
Sliver of Truth (Buff Item)
Chaotic Ambush (Buff Item)

Kill monsters for a chance to receive pouches containing Legendary Cards. There are 4 kinds of pouches that drop: Monster, Demon, Undead, and Orc.
Legendary Pouch: Monster - Double-click to obtain either Seed of Annihilation, Sea of Spores, or Land of Chaos Cards.
Legendary Pouch: Demon - Double-click to obtain either Seed of Hellfire or Prison of Darkness cards.
Legendary Pouch: Undead - Double-click to obtain either Guillotine Fortress, Pagan Temple, or Imperial Tomb cards.
Legendary Pouch: Orc - Double-click to obtain either Ketra Orc Outpost or Raider's Crossroads cards.

The Fairy Settlement card will drop from monsters as well. Twenty Fairy Settlement cards can be used to trade with Snake to receive a Legendary Lucky Pouch. Fairy Settlement cards can be purchased from the L2 Store as well.
Legendary Card pouches and Fairy Settlement cards will not drop from a monster that is 9 or more levels lower (dark blue) than the character that kills it.

Assemble Your Cards

If you use the Legendary Card Pouch you acquired, you can receive a random Legendary Card. Combine them to collect the following sets: Destruction's Shadow, Evolving Darkness, Sliver of Truth, and Chaotic Ambush.
Card Sets

Destruction's Shadow - Imperial Tomb, Sea of Spores, Raider's Crossroads, Seed of Hellfire, and Hellbound.
Evolving Darkness - Imperial Tomb, Guillotine Fortress, and Seed of Annihilation
Sliver of Truth - Sea of Spores, Ketra Orc Outpost, and Prison of Darkness
Chaotic Ambush - Land of Chaos, Pagan Temple, and Raider's Crossroads

Bring these cards to Snake the Card Master in town to obtain rewards. Legendary Card: Hellbound can only be acquired through Snake's Daily Card Giveaway, the Legendary Card: Lucky Pouch, or Snake's Blessing Buff.
Snake's Blessing Buff

Snake’s Blessing buff increases in level every hour.
During the event, level 85 or higher characters can get Snake’s Blessing buff from Snake the Card Master. There are 23 levels to the buff, and it will stay for 23 hours. While you have the buff, players can get 1 random Legendary Card each hour, from which they might even get a Hellbound card.
Snake’s Blessing increases in level every hour, and one random Legendary Card is sent to the inventory. If the buff disappears, you can get it again from the Snake the Card Master NPC. If you are dead when you receive the Legendary Card, you will get both Snake’s Blessing and the Legendary Card.
If your character is dead when the buff effect wears off, you won't be able to get the reward and the buff skill for the next level.
In order to receive the random cards from Snake’s Blessing, you need at least 10 empty slots in your inventory and less than 80% weight.
Lucky Pouches

Get a pouch that has a random chance to receive a Legendary Card. Legendary Card: Lucky Pouches that randomly reward rare cards, including the Legendary Card: Hellbound, which is used in combining the Destruction’s Shadow deck. You can obtain up to 4 cards from the Lucky Pouch, but could also get nothing at all.
Snake's Daily Card Giveaway

During the event, Snake will generously give away 1 FREE Legendary Card daily (resets at 6:30 AM server time). Only characters that are Level 85 or higher can claim the FREE Legendary Card. There is a small chance to also receive the rare Legendary Card: Hellbound.
When you turn in a deck, you will obtain the corresponding deck buff item and a reward item. The buff item has a 100% acquisition rate, but the item reward acquisition is random.

Buff: Destruction’s Shadow – Element Attribute Atk. +50 and Element Attribute Def+50 for 30 Minutes.
Buff: Evolving Darkness – Element Attribute Atk. +50 for 30 Minutes.
Buff: Sliver of Truth – Element Attribute Def+50 for 30 Minutes.
Buff: Chaotic Ambush – Element Attribute Atk. +30 and Element Attribute Def+30 for 30 Minutes.
These buffs are deleted after the event.

Destruction's Shadow Deck
Dark Amaranthine Enhancement Stone
Bloody Amaranthine Enhancement Stone
Tauti’s Ring
Tauti’s Fragment
Amaranthine Weapon Craft Pack
Eternal Armor Craft Pack
Lv. 5 Giant/Ancient/Legendary Dye
Recipe: Scroll of Blessing: Weapon/Armor (R95/R99-Grade)
Scroll of Blessing Scraps: Weapon/Armor (R95/R99-Grade)
Sealed Demonic Tome x2
Destruction’s Shadow (Buff Item)

Evolving Darkness Deck
Istina’s Ring
Istina’s Earring
Istina’s Necklace
Seraph Armor Craft Pack
Requiem Weapon Craft Pack
Immortal Armor Craft Pack
Scroll: Modify Weapon R-Grade
Scroll: Modify Armor R-Grade
Life Stone: Hair Accessory
Scroll: Enchant Hair Accessory
Accessory Gem (Mid-grade)
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection
Evolving Darkness (Buff Item)

Sliver of Truth Deck
Bottle of Orfen’s Soul
Orfen’s Earring
Apocalypse Weapon Craft Pack
Twilight Armor Craft Pack
Durandil Wire
Orichalcum Wire
Adamantite Wire
Weapon Fragment Lv. 3/4/5
Sliver of Truth (Buff Item)

Chaotic Ambush Deck
Dark Eternal Enhancement Stone
Bloody Eternal Enhancement Stone
Pagan Devil Circlet (M. Atk. +10% OR P. Atk. + 5%)
Specter Weapon Craft Pack
Gemstone (R-Grade)
Chaotic Ambush (Buff Item)
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10th Anniversary In-Game Celebration

It's our 10th Anniversary, and you know what that means? Lots of awesome in-game events and, of course, prizes! Some of the prizes are amazing items that you'll definitely want to get your hands on, so don't miss out!
We hope you enjoy our anniversary celebration and we'll see you in-game!
Check out the schedule below for the timetable of events, and then check the links below for more in-depth information about each particular event.
Welcome to our 10th Anniversary Events!
Welcome one and all! The Lineage II 10th Anniversary events have begun! Enjoy the Carnival of Aden and all it has to offer. Participate in a wide variety of events to collect Memory Fragments and Secret Fragments, which can be redeemed for great prizes! Don’t worry, we’ve got a special in-game UI that will help you keep track of what you need to do!
For more information about the Carnival of Aden and all its events, click the links below:
Carnival of Aden
10th Anniversary Attendance
Search for 10th Anniversary Items
Defeat Frederick the Destroyer
Master Yogi’s 10th Anniversary Event
Squash Event
10th Anniversary Blessing Buff
Dandy has come to town! And he's brought with him the family Dragon Weapons. That's right, Dragon Weapons! And lucky for you, Dandy likes to share! For a mere 100,000 Adena, Dandy will give you a powerful, temporary Dragon Weapon of your choice. Click here to find out more!

Since it's our 10th Anniversary, it's time to dance! With cats! Click here to join the Dance Cat Revolution.
Even the game servers are getting in on the fun! They'll be providing with some great benefits!
Server Setting I: Celebration Time!
Event Duration
April 23rd, 2014 to May 7th, 2014:
No XP Loss Upon Death
Free Teleports
May 7th, 2013:
Server Setting I is removed and Server Setting II is applied!

Server Setting II: The After Party
Event Duration
May 7th, 2014 to May 21st, 2014:
Augmentation Removal Fee = 0 Adena
May 21st, 2014:
Server Setting II is removed.
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