Pioneer | Пионер - [x30] Pioneer [x30] High Five - SERVER INFORMATION (1 Viewer)


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  1. Official announcement
  2. FAQ
  3. REFERRAL links system
  5. Pre-launch campaigns
    * Certificates
    * Starter packs
    * Avatar contest
    * Bonuses for Recruiting
    * Nickname reserve
    * Clan Bonnuses
    * Nextgen
  6. OBT
  7. PA Points
  8. Questions and Answers


Freya High Five (part5)

Start Date and Time
15 July 2024
17:00 UTC

Server rates
EXP/SP: amount x30
Adena: amount x10
Seal Stones: amount x5
Drop: chance x10, amount x2 **
Spoil: chance x10, amount x3 **
Quests - items drop: amount x5 *
Quests - rewards: EXP x5, Adena x5
RB drop: chance x5, amount x2
Epic drop: chance x1, amount x1, Adena x5
The maximum level of the Sub-Class is 80 lvl.

*For the following quests:
A Game of Cards
A Powerful Primeval Creature
Alliance with Ketra Orcs
Alliance with Varka Silenos
Defeat the Elrokian Raiders!
Expulsion of Evil Spirits
Figuring It Out!
For a Good Cause
Gather the Flames
Ghosts of Batur
Home Security
Magical Power of Fire - Part 1
Magical Power of Water - Part 1
Matras' Suspicious Request
More Than Meets the Eye
Path of the Artisan
Path of the Assassin
Path of the Elven Knight
Path of the Elven Wizard
Path of the Human Knight
Path of the Orc Monk
Path of the Orc Raider
Path of the Orc Shaman
Path of the Palus Knight
Path of the Rogue
Path of the Scavenger
Path of the Trooper
Path of the Warder
Path of the Warrior
Reed Field Maintenance
Relics of the Old Empire
Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe
Seductive Whispers
Seeds of Chaos
Supplier of Reagents
The Finest Food
The Finest Ingredients - Part 1
The Finest Ingredients - Part 2
Threat Removal
War with Ketra Orcs
War with Varka Silenos
Halisha's Mark

** Stackable items have their amount rather than chance rated.

8 July 2024
(during the OBT there may be multiple unscheduled downtimes to fix and finalize server settings)


  • +50% EXP/SP + 50% Drop/Spoil chance +50 % Adena
  • Additional box - you will be able to simultaneously load additional windows into the game in excess of the current limit set on the server at that time.
  • Special Proxy - redirecting game traffic through specialized servers with the best ping. PA does not provide advantages in the queue of connection to game servers, however, it significantly reduces the likelihood of lags: Details.
  • PA Points gain
  • Rune VIP
    • Issued in multiples of the months of the purchased subscription. Can be picked up by any character on your account from the NPC Dimensional Manager.
    • Rune VIP is a quest item and is displayed in the respective inventory tab.
    • Having Rune VIP in inventory provides various benefits that vary by server.
    • On Pioneer [x30] server, Rune VIP gives the following benefits:
      • +5% to experience and SP gain (effect stacks with other EXP and SP runes)
      • grants access to additional buffs from the NPC buffer
    • The countdown of the rune continues even when the character is offline!

  • These packs are available in My Account CP on the Club's website - the Starter Packs section.
  • Packs purchased before the start of the server will automatically be added to the first created character on the new server.
  • When buying several packs, the most expensive of them is automatically added for the first character, the rest can be picked up by any character on the account from the NPC Dimensional Manager (requires character relog).
  • The packs purchased after the first character is created can be picked up by any character on the account from the NPC Dimensional Manager.
  • Purchased packs received on OBT server will be re-issued when the server goes live.


Agathions + Autoloot
Decorative Cloaks
Cloaks of Flames and Greenery

Class changes
Class changes can be purchased in the game shop at the following prices:
  • 1st class change - 250 000 Adena or 100 RUR
  • 2nd class change - 3 000 000 Adena or 250 RUR
  • 3rd class change - 500 RUR

Automatic skill learning is available till level 76 and has the following exceptions:
Dryad Root - remains at level 1
Regeneration HP - not learned
Acrobatic Move - doesn't learn
Boost HP - not learned
Resurrection - remains at level 1
Esprit - not learned
Mass Resurrection - remains at level 1
Fast HP Recovery - not learned

The following skill levels can't be auto-learned, because they are affected by Skill Link system:
Skill Link
Advanced Block 3
Agility 3
Benediction 1
Blessed Shield 6
Blessed Blood 7
Body of Avatar 6
Celestial Shield 1
Clarity 3
Death Whisper 3
Decrease Weight 3
Empower 3
Erase 10
Focus 3
Greater Battle Heal 33
Guidance 3
Hold Undead 12
Holy Weapon 1
Magical Backfire 10
Major Group Heal 5
Major Heal 11
Mana Storm 5
Mass Resurrection 6
Might of Heaven 19
Party Return 2
Prayer 3
Recharge 32
Regeneration 3
Repose 13
Requiem 14
Resist Holy 3
Poison Resistance 3
Resist Shock 3
Unholy Resistance 3
Restore Life 4
Return 2
Eva's Serenade 13
Stigma of Shilen 4
Trance 10
Turn Undead 10
Vampiric Rage 4
Vitalize 27
Wild Magic 2
Wind Resistance 3


Standard Newbie Guide/Helper available till 85 level.
There will be also a buffer interface available in the ingame shop with the following effects with 60 minutes (PA subscription - 120 minutes) duration:
Improve Movement
Improve Condition
Improve Combat
Improve Magic
Improve Shield Defense
Improve Critical
Improve Magic
Chant of Blood Awakening
Berserker Spirit
Mental shield
Magic Barrier
Greater Might
Greater Shield
Greater Acumen
Berserker Spirit
Wild Magic
Prophecy of Water
Prophecy of Fire
Prophecy of Wind
Chant of Victory
Chant of Magnus
Victories of Pa'agrio
Counter Critical
Blessing of Seraphim
Gift of Seraphim
Blessing of Queen
Gift of Queen
Dance of Fire
Dance of Fury
Dance of Warrior
Dance of Vampire
Dance of Concentration
Dance of Mystic
Dance of Siren
+ Dance of Inspiration
Song of Wind
Song of Warding
Song of Earth
Song of Hunter
Song of Meditation
Song of Vitality
Song of Renewal
Song of Champion

Buffs available for VIP-card (VIP Rune) holders:

Elemental Protection
Arcane Protection
Divine Protection
Chant of Element
Chant of Spirit
Chant of Revenge
Pa'agrio's Fist
Pa'agrio's Emblem

Resist Shock
Resist Holy
Resist Dark
Resist Poison
Resist Earth
Resist Aqua
Resist Wind
Resist Fire

Case Harden
Hard Tanning
Sharp Edge

Dance of Alignment
Dance of Aqua Guard
Dance of Earth Guard

Song of Elemental
Song of Storm Guard
Song of Flame Guard
Song of Water
Song of Invocation

Buffer interface also has the option to fully restore HP, MP and CP that adds a debuff decreasing speed and making the character invisible for mobs for
  • 120 seconds
  • 60 seconds - for PA subscription
  • 40 seconds - for VIP-card (VIP Rune) holders
Buff remains per entrance to instanced zones (except Grand Olympiad).
Attention! NPC-buffer does not provide buffs for pets.


  • SSQ - 15 July 2024
  • Sieges - 28 July 2024
    Attention! TW for castle owners automatically starts immediately after the end of the first sieges!
  • Olympiad - 22 July 2024
    Hero status attributed every 2 weeks, on Monday of siege weeks
  • Clan Halls Auction - 29 July 2024
  • Items Broker - 29 July 2024
    Basic costs - 1 000 000 000 Аdena, 2 000 000 000 Аdena
  • Hellbound - 11 level from start

Active Anticheat.
Allowed unofficial patches and add-ons can be found in My Account CP on website in Download files tab.

Available as special Agathions. Details >>>

Available as an item in Ingame Shop.
We remind you that everyone will be able to use browser trade bot free of charge.
Bot uses MS Silverlight technology, you need Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox version 46.0.1 internet browser to run it.

Box limit
Basic limit - 3 boxes.
Maximum limit with additional boxes - 9 boxes.


Donations before the server start
Funds are credited to your account, and then may be changed for coins in game shop.


Scheduled restart
1:30 AM (UTC) 1-2 times a week.

Support and administration contacts
Technical support of the project is carried out by the administration only through the specialized system , as well as in the respective channels of the Discord server.

Attention! Administration representatives do not play on the Club's servers (and have not played Lineage 2 at all since c4), do not have characters permanently present in the game, communication with them via game chats is impossible.
For the same reason, when contacting support, please describe in detail the game problem / situation.
We remind you that impersonating a representative of the administration in the game is prohibited by the project rules.
Последнее редактирование модератором:


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The following changes to Freya H5 authentic chronicles are implemented on the server:


  • Grand Olympiad period - 14 days. New period starts every Monday on a siege week.
  • Class and Group matches are unavailable.
  • Interclass matches - open for participation during the whole Grand Olympiad period.
  • A restriction has been introduced on all servers, in which the system does not allow two characters loaded from the same HWID to participate in Grand Olympiad matches against each other.
  • To start Grand Olympiad matches, at least 10 characters must be registered.
  • Only one wave of Grand Olympiad matches is formed from all registered characters.
  • Each subsequent wave will start only after the end of the battles of the previous wave, 2 minutes after the end of the last battle, if there are 10 registrations.
  • When forming matches, the system will preferentially select opponents with a close number of points (more or less than 50). If there are none, the opponent is selected randomly.
  • If there is an odd number of registrations, the participant who did not have an opponent is automatically registered in the next wave.
  • Participants receive a notification 30 seconds before the start of the match.
  • The maximum match duration is 6 minutes (1 minute preparation, 5 minutes battle).
  • Jewelry purchased for Olympiad Tokens can be used at Grand Olympiad matches.
  • More rewards are added to Grand Olympiad daily quests:
    Updated quests rewards
    Quest: Olympiad Starter
    In every stage of the quest you will receive 4
    Olympiad Treasure Chest
    + additionally 2
    Crystal of Fortune Treasure Sack
    , from which the following items can be obtained:
    [/B]Кристалл Огня | Fire Crystal
    Кристалл Воды | Water Crystal
    Кристалл Земли | Earth Crystal
    Кристалл Ветра | Wind Crystal
    Кристалл Тьмы | Dark Crystal
    Кристалл Святости | Divine Crystal
    Камень Огня | Fire Stone x3
    Камень Воды | Water Stone x3
    Камень Земли | Earth Stone x3
    Камень Ветра | Wind Stone x3
    Камень Тьмы | Dark Stone x3
    Камень Святости | Divine Stone x3

    Quest: Olympiad Undefeated
    In any of the quest endings you will receive additionally 5
    Refined Cubic - 1 time use
    , from which the following items can be obtained:
    Камень Жизни | Life Stone (Уровни 80 - 84)
    Камень Жизни Среднего Ранга | Mid-Grade Life Stone (Уровни 80- 84)
    Камень Жизни Высокого Ранга | High-Grade Life Stone (Уровни 80- 84)
    Камень Жизни Высшего Ранга | Top-Grade Life Stone (Уровни 80 - 84)
    Kодекс Гигантов | Giants Codex
    Кодекс Гигантов - Мастерство | Giants Codex - Mastery
    Орден Славы | Medal of Glory
    Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (S) | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)
    Свиток: Модифицировать Доспех (S) | Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)

    Quest: Olympiad Veteran
    Additionally you will receive 2
    Refined Cubic - 1 time use
    , from which the following items can be obtained:
    Камень Жизни | Life Stone (Уровни 80 - 84)
    Камень Жизни Среднего Ранга | Mid-Grade Life Stone (Уровни 80- 84)
    Камень Жизни Высокого Ранга | High-Grade Life Stone (Уровни 80- 84)
    Камень Жизни Высшего Ранга | Top-Grade Life Stone (Уровни 80 - 84)
    Kодекс Гигантов | Giants Codex
    Кодекс Гигантов - Мастерство | Giants Codex - Mastery
    Орден Славы | Medal of Glory
    Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (S) | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)
    Свиток: Модифицировать Доспех (S) | Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)
  • The following items were added in the assortment of rewards for Olympiad Tokens:
    Rewards for Olympiad Tokens

    Elegia Leather Armor Chest - 200 000
    Olympiad Token + 500 000 000 Аdenа
    Can obtain one of the following items:
    Sealed Elegia Leather Helmet
    Sealed Elegia Leather Breastplate
    Sealed Elegia Leather Legging
    Sealed Elegia Leather Gloves
    Sealed Elegia Leather Boots

    Elegia Robe Chest- 200 000
    Olympiad Token + 500 000 000 Аdenа
    Can obtain one of the following items:
    Sealed Elegia Circlet
    Sealed Elegia Tunic
    Sealed Elegia Stockings
    Sealed Elegia Gloves
    Sealed Elegia Shoes
    Sealed Elegia Sigil

    Elegia Heavy Armor Chest - 200 000
    Olympiad Token + 500 000 000 Аdenа
    Can obtain one of the following items:
    Sealed Elegia Helmet
    Sealed Elegia Breastplate
    Sealed Elegia Gaiter
    Sealed Elegia Gauntlet
    Sealed Elegia Boots
    Sealed Elegia Shield

    Elegia Accessories Chest - 100 000
    Olympiad Token + 250 000 000 Аdenа
    Can obtain one of the following items:
    Sealed Elegia Earring
    Sealed Elegia Ring
    Sealed Elegia Necklace

    Random Box of Talisman Cloak - 20 000
    Olympiad Token + 20 000 000 Аdenа
    Can receive Cloak of Flames or Greenery for 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 or 30 days with +10 enchantment effects.
    x2 weight limit
    +5 inventory slots
    +1 Speed
    +15 M.Def.

    Random Box of Pandora Bracelet - 20 000
    Olympiad Token + 20 000 000 Аdenа
    Can receive Greater Pandora Bracelet for 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 or 30 days.
    Opens 5-6 Talisman slots.
    +12 or +24 inventory slots
    Unlocks Cloak slot!

    Random Box of Cloak - 15 000
    Olympiad Token + 15 000 000 Аdenа
    Can receive a random decorative Cloak for 1, 7, 30 or 180 days.
    Requires inlocked Cloak slot.
    Blessed Scroll of Resurrection
    Blessed Scroll of Escape
    Big Head
    Ultra Bomb

    Bead of Fortune Treasure Sack
    the following items can be obtained:
    Saeroms Bead - S84
    Saeroms Bead - S80
    Saeroms Bead - S
    Saeroms Bead - A
    Saeroms Bead - B
    Vitality Replenishing Beverage
    High-Grade Hunting Helper Exchange Coupon

    Enchant Scroll of Fortune Treasure Sack
    the following items can be obtained:
    Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)
    Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)
    Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade)
    Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade)
    Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade)
    Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade)
    Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade)
    Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade)
    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)
    Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)
    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade)
    Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade)


  • All RBs are killed right before the server start.
  • The following Epic RBs have fixed respawn time:
    Antharas - 17:00-18:00 UTC - 11 days
    Valakas - 17:00-18:00 UTC - 12 days
    Baium - 17:00-18:00 UTC - every Monday
    Orfen - 18:00-19:00 UTC - every Monday
    Queen Ant - 17:00-18:00 UTC - every Tuesday
    Core - 18:00-19:00 UTC - every Tuesday
  • HP amount of Valakas and Antharas (+minions) reduced by 50%.
  • Baium's level increased to 83. (Consider the level difference penalties of everyone who hits or casts!).
  • Upgraded level (84), stats and droplist of the following epic RBs Orfen, Core, Queen Ant
    Upgraded droplist
    Ring of Core/Ring of Queen Ant/Earring of Orfen 100%
    Arcana Mace
    Tallum Blade*Dark Legions Edge
    Draconic Bow
    Forgotten Blade
    Basalt Battlehammer
    Imperial Staff
    Angel Slayer
    Dragon Hunter Axe
    Saint Spear
    Demon Splinter
    Heavens Divider
    Dynasty Sword
    Dynasty Blade
    Dynasty Phantom
    Dynasty Bow
    Dynasty Knife
    Dynasty Halberd
    Dynasty Cudgel
    Dynasty Mace
    Dynasty Bagh-Nakh
    Icarus Sawsword
    Icarus Disperser
    Icarus Spirit
    Icarus Heavy Arms
    Icarus Trident
    Icarus Hammer
    Icarus Hand
    Icarus Hall
    Icarus Spitter
    Icarus Stinger
    Icarus Wingblade
    Icarus Shooter
    Sealed Dynasty Earring
    Sealed Dynasty Necklace
    Sealed Dynasty Ring
    Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Elemental
    Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Alignment
    Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Rune
    Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Original Language Version)
    Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript)
    Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)
    Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)
    Enchant Armor (S-Grade)
    Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)
  • Upgraded level, stats and droplist of the following RBs: Tiat, Lilith, Anakim
    Upgraded droplist
    Тиада | Tiat
    Запечатанный Плащ Святого Духа | Sealed Holy Spirits Cloak
    Меч Очарования | Periel Sword
    Клинок Пера | Feather Eye Blade
    Кровотворец | Veniplant Sword
    Кинжал Черепа | Skull Edge
    Когти Окто | Octo Claw
    Обоюдоострое Копье | Doubletop Spear
    Тиатенон | Tiatenon
    Возмездие Венеры | Vesper Retributer
    Кутикула | Rising Star
    Карниум | Skull Carnium Bow
    Лик Тьмы | Black Visage
    Резак Венеры | Vesper Cutter
    Острие Венеры | Vesper Shaper
    Расчленитель Венеры | Vesper Buster
    Эспадон Венеры | Vesper Slasher
    Буревестник Венеры | Vesper Stormer
    Мститель Венеры | Vesper Avenger
    Воитель Венеры | Vesper Fighter
    Заклинатель Венеры | Vesper Caster
    Бросок Венеры | Vesper Thrower
    Забытый Свиток: Защита Стихий | Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Elemental
    Забытый Свиток: Воля Воина | Forgotten Scroll - Fighters Will
    Забытый Свиток: Воля Стрелка | Forgotten Scroll - Archers Will
    Забытый Свиток: Воля Мага | Forgotten Scroll - Magicians Will
    Забытый Свиток: Броня Урагана | Forgotten Scroll - Hurricane Armor
    Забытый Свиток: Вампирический Туман | Forgotten Scroll - Vampiric Mist
    Забытый Свиток: Метеор | Forgotten Scroll - Meteor
    Забытый Свиток: Падение Звезды | Forgotten Scroll - Star Fall
    Забытый Свиток: Великая Жертва | Forgotten Scroll - Sublime Self Sacrifice
    Забытый Свиток: Благословение Евы | Forgotten Scroll - Blessing of Eva
    Забытый Свиток: Повелитель Вампиров | Forgotten Scroll - Lord of Vampire
    Забытый Свиток: Корни Престола | Forgotten Scroll - Throne Route
    Забытый Свиток: Печать Предела | Forgotten Scroll - Seal of Limit
    Забытый Свиток: Песнь Очищения | Forgotten Scroll - Song of Purification
    Забытый Свиток: Танец Берсерка | Forgotten Scroll - Dance of Berserker
    Забытый Свиток: Призвать Малого Феникса | Forgotten Scroll - Summon Imperial Phoenix
    Забытый Свиток: Предельная Фокусировка Силы | Forgotten Scroll - Maximum Force Focus
    Забытый Свиток: Предельная Фокусировка Звука | Forgotten Scroll - Maximum Sonic Focus
    Забытый Свиток: Блокировка Оружия | Forgotten Scroll - Weapon Blockade
    Забытый Свиток: Дух Кошки | Forgotten Scroll - Spirit of the Cat
    Забытый Свиток: Дух Единорога | Forgotten Scroll - Spirit of the Unicorn
    Забытый Свиток: Дух Призрака | Forgotten Scroll - Spirit of the Phantom

    Лилит | Lilith
    Забытый Клинок | Forgotten Blade
    Разделитель Небес | Heavens Divider
    Лук Дракона | Draconic Bow
    Меч Династии | Dynasty Sword
    Клинок Династии | Dynasty Blade
    Часть Меча Династии | Dynasty Sword Piece
    Часть Клинка Династии | Dynasty Blade Piece
    Лук Династии | Dynasty Bow
    Часть Лука Династии | Dynasty Bow Piece
    Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Доспех (S) | Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)
    Благословенный Свиток Воскрешения | Blessed Scroll of Resurrection
    Красный Кристалл Души: Уровень 13 | Red Soul Crystal: Stage 13
    Синий Кристалл Души: Уровень 13 | Blue Soul Crystal: Stage 13
    Зеленый Кристалл Души: Уровень 13 | Green Soul Crystal: Stage 13
    Красный Кристалл Души: Уровень 14 | Red Soul Crystal: Stage 14
    Синий Кристалл Души: Уровень 14 | Blue Soul Crystal: Stage 14
    Зеленый Кристалл Души: Уровень 14 | Green Soul Crystal: Stage 14
    Красный Кристалл Души: Уровень 15 | Red Soul Crystal: Stage 15
    Синий Кристалл Души: Уровень 15 | Blue Soul Crystal: Stage 15
    Зеленый Кристалл Души: Уровень 15 | Green Soul Crystal: Stage 15

    Анаким | Anakim
    Базальтовый Боевой Молот | Basalt Battlehammer
    Имперский Посох | Imperial Staff
    Топор Охотника на Драконов | Dragon Hunter Axe
    Посох Тайн | Arcana Mace
    Дубина Династии | Dynasty Cudgel
    Посох Династии | Dynasty Staff
    Крушитель Династии | Dynasty Crusher
    Булава Династии | Dynasty Mace
    Часть Дубины Династии | Dynasty Cudgel Piece
    Часть Посоха Династии | Dynasty Staff Fragment
    Часть Крушителя Династии | Dynasty Crusher Fragment
    Часть Булавы Династии | Dynasty Mace Piece
    Нож Династии | Dynasty Knife
    Часть Ножа Династии | Dynasty Knife Piece
    Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (S) | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)
    Свиток: Модифицировать Доспех (S) | Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)
    Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (S) | Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade)
    Книга Трансформации в Анаким | Transform Sealbook: Anakim
    Красный Кристалл Души: Уровень 13 | Red Soul Crystal: Stage 13
    Синий Кристалл Души: Уровень 13 | Blue Soul Crystal: Stage 13
    Зеленый Кристалл Души: Уровень 13 | Green Soul Crystal: Stage 13
    Красный Кристалл Души: Уровень 14 | Red Soul Crystal: Stage 14
    Синий Кристалл Души: Уровень 14 | Blue Soul Crystal: Stage 14
    Зеленый Кристалл Души: Уровень 14 | Green Soul Crystal: Stage 14
    Красный Кристалл Души: Уровень 15 | Red Soul Crystal: Stage 15
    Синий Кристалл Души: Уровень 15 | Blue Soul Crystal: Stage 15
    Зеленый Кристалл Души: Уровень 15 | Green Soul Crystal: Stage 15
  • Freya instance entrance is available from lvl 80 (not 82, but level penalties still work!).
  • Limits for entrance to Frintezza and Nighttime Zaken instanced zones reduced to 18 characters.
  • Following RBs respawn time standard, but additional time spread is reduced to +- 2 hours.
    Beleth - 262 to 266 hours
  • The following RBs respawn time reduced to 4 hours:
    Shilen's Messenger Cabrio
    Death Lord Hallate
    Longhorn Golkonda
    Flame of Splendor Barakiel
  • In the following Epic-bosses locations permanent PvP-zones are active:
    Antharas (heart, lair)
    Valakas (heart, lair)
    Queen Ant
  • Characters cannot be teleported/summoned into the new PvP-zones with Teleport Flag or skills.
  • Characters are automatically teleported out of the location upon relogging in Beleth RB entrance zone.
  • Items can't be dropped from character inventories on 11th floor of Tower of Insolence location.
  • CC is captured after Queen Ant is down 2% HP.
  • Heroic Berserker and Mystic Immunity buffs do not protect from Raid Curse effect.
  • Improved stats of epic jewelery Earring of Orfen and Ring of Core
    Improved stats
    Earring of Orfen
    [*]MP +31, Resistance to Bleed +20%, chance of Bleed attack +20%, and increase healing effects. Upgraded: +5% m.atk., +5% p.def., +10% mental shield. When eqiupped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
    Ring of Core
    MP +21, Resistance to Poison +20%, Poison attack rate +20%, and increase Accuracy. Upgraded: +5% p.atk, +5% m.def. +10% mental shield. When eqiupped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied.
  • Blessed Epic Jewelry upgrade available. Details >>>
  • When killing any RB in the game you can receive following items:
    Boss Coin - drops additionally to the authentic RP drop list (not affecting its chances or amount).
    Medal - quest item, added to all raid participants (after a certain period of time, appears in the inventory upon relog).
    These items can be exchanged for various rewards in the in-game store: Fortuna Boxes and Cubes, Treasure Sacks and other.

  • Territory wards are automatically returned to the respective Castles at the beginning of each TW.
  • Dead characters in standard pvp-zones (castle, fortress, CH sieges) acquire 50% of Fame Points.
  • In the following Fortresses all NPC are leveled up to 83 (in the game client former levels are displayed):
    Swamp Fortress [Rune Castle]
    Hunter's Fortress [Aden-Giran Castle's]
    Bayou Fortress [Aden Castle]
    Valley Fortress [Giran Castle]


  • 20 recommendations for character creation are added only on 1st character on account. Recommendations are given to the characters an hour after its creation. The character must be above level 1.
  • Nevit's Blessing active buff disappears after relog.
  • Characters below lvl 50 can't be in Pavel Ruins location and are automatically teleported out.
  • Lair of Antharas monsters automatically disappear and respawn if not attacked for a long time or dragged too far away from the original spawn zone.
  • Newbie Guide/Helper NPC now has an option to exchange quest soulshots/spiritshots to the opposite type.
  • Newbie Guide/Helper NPC now has an option to exchange Wooden Set to Devotion Tunic. The whole set is exchanged for just one tunic, since the cost of the Devotion set is much higher!
  • Craft kits have been added as an alternative drop to all monsters and RBs that drop weapons, armor and jewelry of top S (Dynasty), S80 and low S84 (Vesper) grades. The drop chance is 50% of the chance of a whole item. Craft kits contain a recipe, pieces and a complete list of resources necessary to attempt to craft an item.

  • All characters on the server can receive daily rewards for being online.
  • To receive the item, the character must be online for at least 30 minutes.
  • You can get one item per character in one calendar day; the timer resets at 00:00 Moscow time.
  • Reward numbers are not tied to specific dates, but correspond to the number of days when the character was online for more than 30 minutes. Regardless of the “missed” days.
  • There are 28 rewards in total, then the issuance resumes from the first day reward.
  • The exchange of items received in the inventory for the corresponding rewards is available in a special section of the Ingame Store.

As part of the reward system for “completing” servers, we are introducing corresponding Certificates into the game.
Certificates will be issued when the servers merge to all transferred characters who have achieved pre-specified game goals on the new server, and will give access to various bonuses on the merged server. Details >>>
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