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Pailaka - Injured Dragon
The last of the three Pailaka quests is accessible to characters level 73-77 and can be entered through a Ketra Orc Shaman NPC outside of the Town of Goddard.

This instance is the hardest of the three, so it is advised to be well geared (especially jewels) and properly buffed before going in. The monsters inside are all mages and are using fire spells, so grab a Fire Potion from the Attribute Master in Aden or Rune to help mitigating their damage.
After teleporting in, talk to the NPC near you and he will give you a Spear of Silenos. Equipping this A grade spear will give you two skills - Critical Up and Obliteration Storm. Critical Up is a self-buff that triggers upon landing a critical hit and increases your critical rate and attack speed. Each critical hit increases its level up to level 9.

At level 3, you can consume the charges to use the Obliteration Storm, but the higher level of Critical Up you get, the more powerful will the Obliteration Storm be. Obliteration Storm is an AoE spell that can hit an entire wall of mobs for tons of damage.

The monsters within the dungeon are organized into increasingly more dangerous immovable "walls". The monsters can all hit simultaneously. After killing the last monster of each wall, you will be rewarded with Instant Shield and Quick Healing potions.

After a period of time spent on one wall, a secondary, smaller wall will spawn, which is going to disappear after dispatching of the original wall.

Destroying a wall also gives you a Weapon Upgrade Stage 1 and 2 that you can use at the two NPCs located along your way to upgrade your Spear of Silenos to Enhanced / Complete Spear of Silenos. These NPCs can also provide you with basic buffs.

Although there are more, you only need to kill 4 monster walls. The map of the zone is that of Varka, and the final boss is where Varka Chief Horus is in regular Varka zone.
The boss itself, Latana, the Injured Dragon is a powerful monster that uses two spells, a fireball - a fast casting, weak spell, and a fiery leash - powerful nuke with lenghty cast in a cone, easily blocked by instant shield potion or, provided you are in melee range, by running out of the cone.

After defeating the dragon, you are rewarded with large amount of experience, full vitality and Pailaka Shirt.

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