Результаты поиска по запросу: *

  1. MicuTzu

    Extending epics fixed time period - Federarion [x15] and Sputnik [x7]

    i AM GTM + 2 , mostly are same or GTM +1 GTM +0 from Europe and even for GTM +0 would meam valakas and antharas untill 5-6 AM, mby you will go for first time this epics and you will know what i mean.Honestly i really dont mind fight 2-3 hours for a epic even if is late like 22:00 till 01:00, but...
  2. MicuTzu

    Extending epics fixed time period - Federarion [x15] and Sputnik [x7]

    I am sure all this people who say here 18:00 to 20:00 they never go to epics! 18:00 UTC for exemple means 22:00 for me, so you want epics 22:00 to 00:00 ( i would agree in case of Baium) but in case of Valakas and Antharas ? to stay 2-3 hours random to wait spawn and then to spend 7-8 hours to...