Результаты поиска по запросу: *

  1. H

    Fortress Contract

    Only fort with territory catapult gives you the posibility to enter castle dungeon... in orens terriotry it is Ivory fort for example.
  2. H

    CZ/SK clan Fearless

    V sou?asn? dob? m?me 1 funguj?c? mage CP a 1 funguj?c? melee CP + spoustu neorganizovan?ch jednotlivc?.  Hled?me aktivn? lidi, kte? si budou cht?t zablbnout na CSk?ch nebo fortk?ch. V?t?ina instanc? se chod? v r?mci CP?ek (je tu mo?nost domluvy/spolupr?ce s jinou CP). Po?adavky pro p?ijet?: -...
  3. H

    Magic skills vs shield

    Have a question for you. For unknown reason I always thought that you should be able on H5 block magic skills: mana burn, hydroblast, prominence etc with shield. Have been testing it lately and most of magic skills are ignoring shield yet there are still some which dont... its kinda...
  4. H

    Support ticket trouble v3

    3rd time the charm? Er how to start... we got banned again, what a surprise... The timing couldnt be more convenient: 19:0x where banned characters were: CL+some DDs... great way to end our weekend and CS. I wont question anything this time, the only thing Iam asking is non russian GM who...
  5. H

    Support ticket trouble v2

    Its been almost 48 hours since our accounts got banned. 3 are in ban list (Azzra, Strife, Phare) and 3 are not (Rusovlaska, Angua, doweewc). After 24 hours (+-) we got 1st reasonable reply from gm team and now we are again waiting (another 24 hours) to know the answer to this post: Just to be...
  6. H

    Harassment by gm...

    Iam not sure what is happening in last weeks... Iam randomly losing buffs, getting debuffs in strange places (maybe bot detection system or my imagination), but thats not the main problem here... Today we were at dragonspine fortress with my clan (Fearless) and after a successfull siege we...
  7. H

    Support ticket trouble

    Hello, Ive been communicating with your support in last weeks for quite a bit... sadly for me there are way too big delays which I dont like (my problem I know), so this is my try to speed things up a notch. for every one of those problems there are existing tickets: 1st problem = bugged...