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  • Users: Dziejowa
  • Content: Темы
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  1. D

    GF with CH

    https://forumen.rpg-club.net/index.php/topic,7823.30.html GF with changing rules during auction. And anybody can explain how it's posible bid more than you can put in to the CWH. BTW now ch buy not this who was first, but this who is the richest. GF
  2. D

    Login to control panel

    Is there any problem with login to CP?? I try few times today and always have info about error 502-504.
  3. D

    About Voting

    Looking some info about voting. If was some changing in this?? Usually reset of vote was about 22:00 polish time, but today I have info: За этот сервер, с таким именем уже голосовали. So now I must wait 24h till next voting??
  4. D

    Siege cancel

    After down canceled all siege request, so tommorow no siege :(
  5. D

    Atrybuty w broni

    Mam takie pytanie, czy atrybuty w broni mają znaczenie w przypadku sumonerów?? Czy grając koniarzem, wkładam do broni water i koń dostaje bonusy od tego, czy atrybuty wkładam w zależności od tego na jaki skil z agu się uda trafić?? Pytanie może banalne, ale liczę na odpowiedź