Недавний контент sorinex

  1. sorinex

    WTB Buster/Caster 300 Water

    offer nub PS: de unde ai bani? iar i-ai scamat pe astia din CP?
  2. sorinex

    WTB SORC 82 or more

    I dont need equipment or weapon write/pm here with price
  3. sorinex


    Because i cant seem to find it IG, I want to buy MA Robe craft write/mail here or IG "MrT
  4. sorinex

    WTS/WTB list

    WTS BW light set - 40 kk Fire stones - 7.5 k BOMT(c) - 12 k Tallum Blade(c) - 12 k Nightmare Heavy Armour(c) -5k WTB: Red 13 - I offer adena/RUR
  5. sorinex

    Crash report

    Hello, I tryed to install GF client, I downloaded RPG patch and installed it game client. I updated the client with the RPG patch, made full check also. Everything is OK untill I try to enter the game. I can log, I can select server, I can create char, but when I try to log into the game I get...
  6. sorinex

    GOD problems

    Hello, I have problems with the game. I download it, I unrar the game, I run rpgupdater and when I press start I get the erorr: "LCID: cannot run in this locale". When I press OK I get next erorr message: "Runtime erorr! Program: D:\GOD\system\l2exe This application has requested the...
  7. sorinex

    WTB assasin bamboo hat

    WRITE/PM here with your price
  8. sorinex

    problem with 3rd class

    you dont know a joke not even when you see it? :)
  9. sorinex

    problem with 3rd class

    me? no, prolly you mistake me to somebody else.. me not know play hilar =))
  10. sorinex

    problem with 3rd class

    I`m dark elf, not bishop
  11. sorinex

    WTS list

    Vorpal leather helmet Vorpal shield GC TTS set +3
  12. sorinex

    problem with 3rd class

    lol`ed hard :))
  13. sorinex

    Game of Thrones

    i`m tired of w8ing for new epissode, i allready finished reading book no. 2
  14. sorinex

    Sigs sugestion

    where? give me a link pls
  15. sorinex

    RO Cp cauta TANK

    TANK 83+,echipament S80+ activ macar intre 18-20 si 23-24 GMT+2 activ pt eventurile de CP ca si Zaken, Teza and Freya si la eventurile de clan(CASTLE SIEGE, TW, EPICE) sa foloseasca TS-ul pm in joc "Freakzoid sau "Maurelle