Недавний контент SmOg1

  1. SmOg1

    Nobless dominator 84 LF CP

    LF english speaking active cp/clan - pm Sharku Gametime: GMT+1 18:00-01:00
  2. SmOg1

    Active OL LF CP / CLAN

    GMT+1 timezone, english speaking 66+ OL LF CP / CLAN ACTIVE Gametime: 18:00 - 01:00 PM: formothergreen
  3. SmOg1

    WTB PP with CC skill

    Pm with price. No item need.
  4. SmOg1

    SLH 85 LF CP

    Male SLH 85 LF CP (playtime GMT+1) Dynasty Light Set Vesper Singer
  5. SmOg1

    I can't play anymore

    Laggy as hell yep..
  6. SmOg1

    OBT Freya High Five part 5

    Donate itamz?
  7. SmOg1

    SLH male - lightning barrier enchant route

    Searched all over and did not found any decent scheet/description which enchant route should i choose on Lightning Barrier. So far as i see default activation rate is 30% and chance is 80%. (ofc depends on enemy lvl and equipt) Info from here...
  8. SmOg1


    WTB Frintezza 9kkk Thank you!
  9. SmOg1

    WTB SLH 83+ nobless

    As topic. SLH - male only. Nobless with LS. Pm with price.
  10. SmOg1

    WTS Vesper Caster + acumen - NEW PRICE

    WTS Vesper Caster + acumen +110 earth - 20kkk - SOLD or WTT for Vesper Singer+empower+300 dark + 2,5kkk Thank you!
  11. SmOg1

    WTS IC gaiter

    sealed/clean - 800kk Pm with nick. Thank you!
  12. SmOg1

    WTT/WTS Dyna robe set

    WTS or WTT dyna robe set to Blue 16 Leave PM
  13. SmOg1

    x5 and x15 servers merge

  14. SmOg1

    x5 and x15 servers merge

    Is there any official (detailed) explanation/information about this merge? What if i have no free slots on my x15 account? How can you guys transfer x5 char there? Thank you!
  15. SmOg1

    Crystal lvling

    Can anyone confirm if this info is legit or not? ------------------------------------------- Stage 13-16 (Raid Bosses)* Raid Bosses: Anakazel (78) Antharas (79) Gracia Final Ember (80) Frintezza (85) Gracia Final Valakas (85) Gracia Final...