Недавний контент razz1

  1. R

    Sup ETC?

  2. R


    Cancel stick takes 1-4 or 1-5 buffs on crit, dagger has just fixed chance to remove buff when u swing it + lower shield pdef(also chance to land this effect). Also cancel stick has high chance to make 1-sided tags shed tears, when u force them to flag back.
  3. R

    Nice day

    Our group made more pvps than tomes, sup! Around 140 in 1.5h...I blame oZama!
  4. R

    Damage from stabs

    http://www.l2guru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=122599 http://www.l2guru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=122605
  5. R

    Gratz abs with another tezza

    Gezas usually got like 100-200 fights and he looses few(monument history ftw). Try to do that and then you can tell that he sucks.
  6. R

    Ornithomimus Hat

    I can't find regular version of Ornithomimus Hat and I'm pretty sure it's available in GF as regular item. Donation NPC sells only 7day and 30day version(and 7day is twice on list).