Недавний контент Garnett

  1. G


    Sorry Garnett, you are banned from using this forum! 1.2 Duplicating existing forum users. what's this? O_o and im not even banned,cause i clicked on another page on forum and im here ;o
  2. G

    seliing items for money

    http://yfrog.com/31shot00001koj imo,track his main char and ban with all equip
  3. G

    Goodbye :D

    bad or not,aibo was the only english speaking GM able to resolve problems (or at last try) and bot hunter,so yes, imo it's a loss for this server (one of few "good" thing needed for an international server)
  4. G

    Biggest failure on x30

    at last one who noticed it xD
  5. G

    Biggest failure on x30

    biggest failure on 30x server? i have an idea,but it's not any player......
  6. G


    busted! :o
  7. G

    New on server

    it's the only post with sense in all the forum. +1
  8. G


    to be honest,i dont see the point of botting in a 30x server i used to bot only on low rates and official,but it's a nonsense here imo
  9. G


    auto-accept ress /off .
  10. G

    wts clan hall in rune

    pm me with offers ;o
  11. G

    So who's moving to the new server?

    wasn't glamcore banned? ::)
  12. G

    So who's moving to the new server?

    no one will go,except butthurted ppl
  13. G

    So who's moving to the new server?

    and imo, botting in a low rate can have a sense,not like on 30x
  14. G

    So who's moving to the new server?

    only one time,and it's enough... i played on Teon one year ago when i had time to play, but now if im going to start over again,it would be another 30x,not surely a low rate server
  15. G

    So who's moving to the new server?

    i repeat myself and i think most of ppl think like me, im not a kid who goes to school at morning and then he can nerd all the day long,i got a good work,a busy life, and im not going to waste my time on a low rate, 30x is good enough for the time i have. i guess a lot of ppl have my same...