Недавний контент blackeagle

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    sup boys testing signature
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    Dota 2

    zzz nice 1bilion dolla tournament
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    TSAF game - NR: 6:19:45

    if ure playign with premade team just press reconnect no intros
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    TSAF game - NR: 6:19:45

    all numbers are invisible for some players sometimes so gay
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    TSAF game - NR: 6:19:45

    lolz game is bugging like hell sometimes no numbers in the press 1-]12 task LOL
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    TSAF game - NR: 6:19:45

    lot of ppl from okand, the fuck is that ?
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    for lol fags

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw44JdK3p9k i loled
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    ^ pm here ic sold jews left