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  • Users: axpm1
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  1. A

    EE LF CP

    Looking for competitive CP with good online numbers. - Portuguese living in the UK gmt+0 - Can play EE/SPS/OL - Prime time 18-24 but most days can play all day. - Previous Clans/CPs: (OutOfControl, RohenTheFirst, TheBlackDragon, Reven4nt hero CP, etc PM if you interested for discussion...
  2. A

    High Five

    so how many people are expected to play here?
  3. A

    thoughts opinoins on possibility of merger with x15 ussr

    7x started few time ago and you want to merge it with a server where everyone is fully equipped? Next time when you think of something, count to 10 so maybe you realize how stupid it is
  4. A


    Looking forward to play as driver in a well organized party with mature and decent player. 5 years of experience in l2. Can drive any character that cp needs but got more experience as EE or nuker (know what to do with all the others obviously) Previous clans: Rohens, OOC and others...
  5. A

    EE 82+ lf international/svk cp

    noone wants you bro .. free bump
  6. A

    WTT FROM 15X TO 7X

    WTT Eva's Saint 85 (many skills enchanted +20/+25) AM+acu+nuke 150 Vesper Caster+Acu Vesper Set with attributed Freya Vorpal jewels PM
  7. A

    Game not working after last "night's" restart when using updater.

    also, when i do "full check" on updater it ends updating when it says "CRC checking /system/system.dll" and doesn't go any further, or when it does it says the "send the error" thing. I have no idea about what's going on
  8. A

    Game not working after last "night's" restart when using updater.

    Yesterday there was a restart and then i went to sleep. Today i came home, ran the updater and when i try to start the game it says with updater it gives me an error and in the end "Send problem to rpg-club // Dont send problem to rpg-club" .. When i try to run the game without updater, it...
  9. A

    Is it just me or server updater/login is failing?

    as tittle says .. am i the only one?
  10. A


    LF organized and active/no-life cp with big plans for the near future. PM for more info
  11. A

    Driver lf CP

    Just came back to play, so i want to know if some CP needs driver from 18:00 till 5 am gmt+1. I can play classes like: any support except WC and nukers. Previous clans (relevant ones): OOC and Rohens (revenant cp) PS: I'm from portugal but i speak fluent english and i don't mind if...
  12. A

    European CP looking for bishop

    that prime time for playing sucks for me
  13. A


    85 EE (All skills learned) Protections, M Will, Enlightment, BoE, Turn Stone NOBLESS Equipment: Vesper set 630 Attribute Am+acu+150 earth (earth nuke augment) Vesper caster+acu clean (no attribute/augment) Full vorpal jewels+ Freya (some safe enchanted) + Oly Zaken/AQ (17 days...
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    As tittle says, selling blessed zaken. Pms in aden/items/epics or so. Stupid offers don't even bother to try them
  15. A

    Bug @ Silent Valley

    I've been exping my elemental summoner in silent valley, but it's possible for me to do solo there because the mobs are hitting my character instead of my summon. I don't know if that happened to anyone else here, but i've tried everything and still mobs hitting me. Fix this or if it's not a...
  16. A


    As tittle says: WTS EE NO EQUIPMENT 84 lvl (66% or so) BoE learned Almost no skills enchanted Pm me with offers
  17. A

    EE 85 LF CP

    After a long break of l2 i decided to come back here. I am looking for a good CP which can actually handle itself - i mean: well organized, independent and worth playing with. I got scammed before the break and got nothing back, so my gear is a little poor^^ Am acu 150 + nuke aug, DC...
  18. A

    Driver lf CP

    Hello, i played in this server while it was G.F. , got a lot of experience with almost every class. I am willing to drive any class except bd/sws but we can still discuss about it. Infos about playtime and anything else you want to know, send me a private message here.
  19. A

    WTS EE 83

    Nobless, i guess 1/2 subs done.Basic skill enchant. Have mass recharge / BoE / Enlightment so it has the most important skills. Pm with offers
  20. A

    x5 and x15 servers merge
