Недавний контент padris

  1. P

    NEW SERVER 2015!

    To be honest, the chronicle isn't the most important thing. L2 is especially about community... if it's good, you will have a good playing experience too. I don't think the reasons why so many people dream about bringing the old GF times back are only the features which the chronicle provides...
  2. P

    NEW SERVER 2015!

    You don't have to agree with me. The post I wrote is just my point of view as an international player. But if you want to accuse me of stupidity, I would like to hear more relevant arguments, for example what exactly you disagree with and why.
  3. P

    NEW SERVER 2015!

    I think a lot of international players left the server because they were frustrated and disappointed. Motherland has been advertised as an international server, but in fact it is a Russian server with few international clans... about 95% of the player base is Russian-speaking. I have few reasons...
  4. P

    Seductive Whispers (50+)

    Basic information Start location: Town of Aden Start NPC: Blacksmith Wilbert Start level: 50+ Recommended level: 50-70 Quest type: repeatable Reward: money, B weapon recipes/mats, scrolls of enchant weapon/armor up to A-grade Guide Dear players! Today I have prepared a guide for the ?Seductive...
  5. P

    CZ/SK klany - x3 Motherland - přehled

    Pro nov? p?choz? hr?e, kte? by se r?di p?ipojili k ?eskoslovensk? komunit? na serveru x3 Motherland, jsem vytvo?il p?ehled CZ/SK klan?, kter? zde p?sob?. T?mto chci z?rove? poprosit v?echny clan leadery nov? vznikaj?c?ch klan? (a klan?, kter? zde nejsou uvedeny), aby mi pos?lali z?kladn? info o...